Saturday, November 27, 2010

Arne Duncan Wins An Award

President Obama's favorite corporate education shill won a coveted award - the "Blathering Idiot of the Week" award at Open Left.

Duncan won for suggesting that class sizes in public schools are too small and should be enlarged.

I'd like to offer my sincere congratulations to Arne for winning this award.

Other than handing this to Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg or President Obama himself, I couldn't think of it going to a better person than Arne Duncan.


  1. I think it's well-deserved. Let me add my congratulations. While we may not share the same view of politics, we should always be gracious.

  2. Not surprising with Dunkin Duncan who belongs to an admin which thinks the way to handle Too Big to Fail Banks is to only make them even bigger.

  3. Iceland seems to be the only country that let the banks fail and the banksters pay for their hubris.
