Monday, July 12, 2010

Consumer Reports: New Apple iPhone Piece Of Shit

Quick, where's the accountability for Steve Jobs, Apple's arrogant CEO/ chief bullshit artist, over this mess?

Consumer Reports said in a blog post and accompanying video on Monday that widely reported signal problems with the iPhone 4, Apple’s latest mobile phone, were a result of a flaw in the phone’s antenna design and that it could not recommend purchasing the phone. That contradicts earlier claims by Apple that the problems are a software issue.

The magazine said its engineers performed a series of tests on three separate iPhone 4s inside a controlled lab environment known as a “radio frequency isolation chamber.” They found that when the bottom left corner of the iPhone was touched, it could sometimes lose enough signal strength to drop calls.

Consumer Reports said the tests led it to conclude that it could not recommend the iPhone 4 to consumers until Apple fixes the hardware problem. It also questioned Apple’s honesty on the antenna issues:

Our findings call into question the recent claim by Apple that the iPhone 4’s signal-strength issues were largely an optical illusion caused by faulty software that “mistakenly displays 2 more bars than it should for a given signal strength.”

When reports first surfaced of a reception flaw in the new phone, Steven P. Jobs, Apple’s chief executive, said to a customer in an e-mail that he was simply holding the phone incorrectly. Technology writers lambasted the company for this comment.

Earlier this month, Apple released a statement saying that it had looked into the signal problems and was “stunned to find that the formula we use to calculate how many bars of signal strength to display is totally wrong.” The company also said it would release a software update to fix the issue and would make “bars 1, 2 and 3 a bit taller so they will be easier to see” on the phone’s signal display. It did not acknowledge any problem with the phone’s hardware.

Consumer Reports also tested several other phones, including the earlier iPhone 3GS and Palm Pre, and reported that “none of those phones had the signal-loss problems of the iPhone 4.” The report also said AT&T’s network did not appear to play a primary role in the iPhone 4’s signal woes.

There are 14 pages of complaints about the new Apple iPhone over at

Jobs - like his counterpart at Microsoft Bill Gates - is very big on getting "bad teachers" fired.

Turns out that just like Mr. Gates, Mr. Jobs is also a liar and a purveyor of shit products.

Maybe both Jobs and Gates should stay out of education reform and make products that, you know, work?

Or, if they continue to make shit products that don't work (and are made by slave labor in Chinese factories with high suicide rates), take responsibility instead of jiving about the problems.

Just saying...


  1. Haven't you heard? Accountability is only for "lesser people."

  2. I have heard that, Michael. But the slavery part of the Apple equation - that's also for the little people!!!

  3. I can't get over that headline, which had me laughing out loud.

  4. Thanks, NYC. I was going for eye-catching, yet truthful.

  5. I still laugh every time I look at it. I kind of wish CR would use headlines like that.

  6. Will the next phone be called "I-Shit 4.0"??
