Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Fewer Than Half Approve Of Bloomberg

Teflon Moneybags no longer Teflon:

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s approval rating has taken a turn for the worse. 49% of registered New York City voters think Bloomberg is doing either an excellent or good job in office. This is the mayor’s lowest approval rating since Marist’s June 2005 survey when the same proportion of the city’s electorate — 49% — gave him high marks.


The 49% who currently affirm Bloomberg’s governing include 13% who say he is doing an excellent job, and 36% who think he is doing a good one. 33% rate the mayor as fair, 16% report he is doing poorly, and 2% are unsure.

When Marist last asked this question in April, 56% gave the mayor above average marks, 29% thought he was doing an average job, and 13% reported he was falling short. 2%, at the time, were unsure.

As the economy worsens, as city services continue to be cut, as the MTA fare goes higher while train service grows poorer, as Moneybags continues to defend TAX CUTS FOR BILLIONAIRES AND MILLIONAIRES, I think his numbers will continue to drop.

And those of us who are familiar with his school policies - whether student, parent, teacher or administrator - well, we KNOW how much he sucks.

Bloomberg does get good news from how people view his "legacy" in the poll:

Not quite halfway through his third term, what could all of this mean for the mayor’s legacy? Despite his slipping approval rating and recent controversy, a plurality of registered voters — 46% — expect Bloomberg to leave behind a positive legacy when he vacates City Hall in 2013. This includes 12% who think he will be remembered as one of New York City’s best mayors and 34% who believe he will be viewed as an above average mayor. 38% say Bloomberg’s legacy will be average while 11% report he will be remembered as a below average mayor. Just 5% of registered New York City voters think Bloomberg will be categorized as one of the worst mayors in the city’s history.

But let's see how people feel BY THE END of his term.

As more and more scandals are exposed, as the school system "reforms" become more troublesome for the mayor, as city services and infrastructure continue to deteriorate while Bloomberg defends not raising taxes on rich people, let's see what people think of his legacy then.

And that's assuming there are no major scandals uncovered - always a dicey proposition given how Bloomberg 'won" his third (illegal) term.

Three years is a long time.

A lot will happen before Moneybags leaves office.

Sure, he could be the most popular mayor ever when he does leave, but given the trajectory of the economy, the deteriorating quality of life in this city right now and the potential for scandal, I doubt it.

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