Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Primary Results

SECOND UPDATE: 63% of the vote counted. Bennet 54.4% to Romanoff 45.5%.

The count has been stuck on 58% for awhile now.

Perhaps all the mail-in ballots are completed and now they're counting the most recent votes including from today's voting?

Anyway, with 58% of the vote counted Bennet is leading 54.3% to 45.6%

: 58% of the vote counted - Bennet 54.2% - Romanoff 45.7%

Romanoff hasn't been up since 14% of the vote was counted.

Every time the Denver Post updates, the Bennet margin grows a little larger.

Looks like he is starting to pull away.

Hard to know since much of the voting was done by mail what is left to count and where it is coming from.


Today is the Colorado primary.

Results are due after 9 PM Eastern Time.

You can view them here.

Michael Bennet has a lot of corporate walking around money and White House backing.

It will be difficult to knock him off.

That the primary is this close tonight is a testament to just how shitty many in the Democratic base feel about Bennet and the Obama administration.

That the administration insulted the base today by saying lefties are "crazy" and in "need of drug-testing" goes to show just how much contempt they have for the political activists, the union members and the liberals who helped put them into power in the first place.

As David Frum noted earlier, the GOP are scared of their base; Dems despise theirs.

I've been saying for two years now that the Obama administration HATES the base - especially teachers and union members.

So they treat us with contempt and fuck us with policy and then insult us in the press.

Oh, but on election night they say "Better stick with us or Sarah Palin will be president!"

You know what?

I'm done sticking with them.

I'm done with the abuse from the Democratic establishment.

Frankly I'm done with the Democratic establishment.

From now on, I only vote policy.

If your education policy is pro-traditional public school, you get my vote.

If your education policy is pro-charter, pro-testing, pro-privatization, you do not.

And if you are the Obama administration, I work very hard to send you back to Chicago.

Don't try scaring me with Palin for Preisdent.

As I showed earlier today, looking at the Obama "accomplishment" list, I see no difference between what he brought us and what Bush brought us before and what a GOPer might bring in the future.

So Palin doesn't scare me.

What scares me is a Democratic establishment that gives Barack Obama everything he wants.

So go Romanoff.


  1. Ugggh! First he backs Bailout Blanche and she wins. Now this....and this stinks even worse.

  2. Yeah, it's especially galling given the Wall Street deal he did to the Denver Public Schools. But listen, Bennet had more than $5 million more dollars than Romanoff, he had the WH and the establishment organizing for him (and that especially matters in a mail in campaign) so he SHOULD have won. That it was this close down the stretch made me hope that maybe Romanoff could pull it off.

    Not over yet, but it seems unlikely.
