Thursday, August 5, 2010

Throw Klein In Jail

A judge has ruled the city can't expand Girls Preparatory Charter School by taking space from PS 94.

Chancellor Klein says he doesn't care what any judge says:

Chancellor Joel Klein is claiming "emergency powers" will allow him to move a Manhattan school for autistic children, despite a ruling this week that blocked the maneuver.

Parents at Public School 94 had fought for months to keep the school on the lower East Side intact.

The move would allow Girls Preparatory Charter School to expand in the building they shared.

"We are going to use the chancellor's emergency powers, granted by the state's education law, to ensure ... students are accommodated at Girls Prep in the fall," said Education Department spokesman Jack Zarin-Rosenfeld.

A state judge ruled Tuesday the city had violated rules meant to keep the public informed of any school relocations.

The emergency powers law allows the chancellor to make changes to preserve "student health, safety or general welfare" for a period of up to six months.

"To the extent that there is any emergency, it is of the [Education Department's] own creation," said Rebecca Shore, a lawyer with Advocates for Children.

This isn't the first time Klein has ignored a court ruling.

When a judge ruled the city couldn't close 19 schools because they hadn't followed the law for school closures, Klein said he wouldn't allow any new students into the schools anyway. Eventually the DOE did allow new students, but made sure that parents knew the schools had been on the closure list and would probably be closed in the future, thus ensuring enrollment at these schools was minimal and they would be closed eventually anyway.

I think the citizens of this city need to use their "emergency powers" to throw Joel Klein's lying, criminal weasel ass in jail.

And Bloomberg too.

Seriously - these two autocrats DO NOT CARE about democracy or the will of the people or anything other than doing what THEY WANT and what will benefit their ed deform cronies.


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