Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fenty Loses

We'll see what happens to Michelle Rhee, but we do know one thing - Adrian Fenty, mayor of D.C., has lost to Vincent Gray.

Buh-bye, Adrian.

Given that Rhee campaigned for Fenty, you would think Gray would can her. But as Michael Fiorillo noted in this comment here:

Gray will be under immense pressure to keep Rhee. The malanthropists will threaten to yank the money they're contributing to the pound-of-flesh wage increases in the new contract, Duncan will expectorate on the issue, etc.

Valerie Strauss at The Answer Sheet
says whatever Gray does, he should do it soon. I think the longer Gray waits to make a decision, the more likely it is Rhee stays.

We'll see.

Maybe she can just get a full time job bribing the woman sexually harassed by her fiance Kevin Johnson to stay quiet?

1 comment:

  1. Did Gray campaign on an anti-Rhee platform? Or has he avoided the issue awaiting the election result? If he keeps Rhee it will be the continued destruction of the Washington, D.C. public schools. Let us hope that he will not be persuaded or pushed by Duncan, Weingarten and the big bucks reformer crowd.
