Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Oprah and Tony Danza

Tony Danza has a reality show that has him teaching part-time in a Philly public school.

He went on Oprah yesterday to talk about that show and his experience as a part-time teacher.

According to this post on Not Waiting For Superman, the interview didn't go so well when Danza tried to defend teachers:

Tony Danza on Oprah last night. Tried to defend teachers, Oprah railroaded him about "bad" teachers a la WFS...He opened his mouth about more pay, need to support, she cut him off every time. After the break, she was less friendly to him. Wonder what he said when the cameras weren't rolling?

I haven't seen any clips yet, so I'll have to take the word of the person who posted.

But if true, Oprah's hatred of teachers borders on the pathological.

Wonder if she'll compare us to Osama the way this ed deformer did.


  1. I watched Danza's reality show and the fear he feels when day one of school comes is palbable. They gave him one good class but I can forgive the producers because it is generally pro-teacher without all the sentimental crap and for the tv audience they can see how hard it is to teach, it's not for everyone...even if you are an actor.

  2. Thanks for the update, hedgehog. That is interesting that here comes this reality show that is pretty pro-teacher at the same time all these anti-teacher media pieces arrive - Oprah, Superman, NBC. Still, Oprah and the others dismissed Danza's assertions that teaching is hard and teachers need support, not abuse.

    Because Oprah is ALWAYS right.

  3. Oprah will always be fat and morally bankrupt. Yes, I went there!!!! She did, so why can't we????
