Perdido 03

Perdido 03

Monday, November 8, 2010

Christie Is A Crook

If you know anything about Christie's career, this story isn't a surprise:

When he was the state's top federal lawman, Gov. Chris Christie spent more money than allowed by regulations more often than any other U.S. attorney in the country during 2007 and 2008, according to a report issued today.

Neither Christie nor the four other U.S. attorneys criticized was named. But, an independent online news site that chronicles the goings on at the U.S. Justice Department, reported that Christie is apparently "U.S. Attorney C."

The report by the department's Inspector General's office said U.S. Attorney C "was the U.S. attorney who most often exceeded the government rate without adequate justification. The U.S. Attorney provided insufficient, inaccurate, or no justification for 14 of 23 trips (61 percent) that exceeded the government rate."

The Justice Department guidelines lay out a sliding scale of acceptable costs for travel, lodging and other expenses while U.S. attorney's are on the road. Christie's roadtrip expenses became a controversial topic during his campaign for governor last year when Democrats accused him of violating federal rules even as he held others to the highest standards of propriety.

Christie's office did not have an immediate response to today's report.

Gee, you can't get Christie to shut up when he's bashing teachers.

How come he doesn't have any comment about this story?

And how come he wasn't asked about this when he was on the Sunday shows yesterday?

If the press would dig into Christie's past, they would find a whole bunch of stuff like this.

More on this later.

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