Perdido 03

Perdido 03

Friday, December 17, 2010

Before There Are Any Layoffs, Bloomberg's Consulting Contracts Need To Be Investigated

Lillian Roberts of DC 37 says exactly what I have been saying about the contracting business and no-bid contracts conducted by the city:

"CityTime may have become the poster child for abusive outside contracts, but we believe it is merely the tip of the iceberg and an outrageous example of the greed and corruption that are the result of an unregulated procurement process."

Indeed - before there are ANY layoffs of city employees announced by this mayor, he MUST be made to explain how it is he allowed $80 million to be stolen from the city by the CityTime crooks even though the Daily News, John Liu and Leticia James had all pointed out something was amiss with the project.

And the rest of the outside consultant gigs Bloomberg has handed out MUST be looked into as well at all the other agencies.

As Roberts says, CityTime is the tip of the iceberg.

The more digging investigators do, the more they will find Wild, Wild West stuff happening right under the Mayor of Accountability's nose.

Maybe the city wouldn't have to lay off employees and teachers if Bloomberg had been paying attention to how the city spent its money.

Frankly, maybe the city could avoid all the employee and teacher layoffs if we just lay off Mayor Bloomberg instead and put somebody into office who doesn't hire crooks as consultants.

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