Perdido 03

Perdido 03

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bloomberg Seeks Publicity To Avoid Publicity

How can any self-respecting journalist write this crap?

Seeking to quell renewed speculation about any presidential aspirations, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg on Sunday once again ruled out running for the White House in 2012.

Appearing on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Mr. Bloomberg said he was “not looking at the possibility of running.”

“I’ve got a great job, and I’m going to stay with it,” he said.

The show’s host, David Gregory, persisted, wondering whether Mr. Bloomberg might change his mind if his advisers learned that he “could actually win this thing.” Mr. Bloomberg replied that he would not change his mind.

“No way, no how?” Mr. Gregory asked.

“No way, no how,” Mr. Bloomberg repeated.

He said he was urging his supporters to “cease and desist” fomenting speculation and buzz about his interest in a candidacy, adding “but most of this is just because the press wants to have something to write about.”

“I want to go out having a reputation as a very good, maybe the greatest mayor ever,” he said.

Oh, so much horsebleep in this article, I dunno where to start.

But let's try here.

If Bloomberg is really "seeking to quell speculation about any presidential aspirations" why is he on TV every week talking about national politics, what's wrong with D.C., what's wrong with Obama, etc.?

Or why is he giving a major speech on economic policy on the Brooklyn waterfront to New York "business leaders" and why is his political team tipping off all the major papers, political outlets and TV stations to cover it?

If he really wanted to "quell renewed speculation about any presidential aspirations," he would STFU, stop appearing on national television every week, stop playing coy with the "Will He?/Won't He?" game that the Washington Village Elite love to play and tell Howard Wolfson and the rest of his political team to stop driving coverage about this.

So right off the bat, it is LAUGHABLE on the face of it to write that Bloomberg is trying to "quell renewed speculation about any presidential aspirations" in this article.

He is trying to do no such thing.

He is trying to stir that speculation up.

Next, for Bloomberg to say with a straight face that he was urging his supporters to “cease and desist” fomenting speculation and buzz about his interest in a candidacy is also a joke.

What supporters?

He has a 19% approval rating across the country, most New Yorkers think he would make a terrible president, and even though his approval rating is at 55% as mayor here in NY, it is at its lowest point in his entire City Hall career.

And these numbers are BEFORE he starts charging New Yorkers for the FDNY to come to fires and accidents.

Wait'll New Yorkers get a hold of that plan in action - his approval will plummet below 50% in the next poll, I guarantee it.

So for Bloomberg to make believe his "supporters" are driving this speculation is also LAUGHABLE.

The only supporters driving this speculation are the very people writing these stories in the Times and at Reuters or talking about them on NBC or at NY1.

Or they're columnists like David Broder or Bobo Brooks who write these "centrist needs to come and save the world from partisanship" columns every few months anyway.

So Bloomberg can also STFU about his "supporters" driving these speculation stories as well.

He has none, outside of a few Beltway and NYC journalists who may want to make the Little Mayor happy just in case they need a job at Bloomberg News or Bloomberg Businessweek (always have to keep the options open, you know, especially with so many other news outlets laying off.)

Seeing the plethora of these stories in the press the last few months, you can bet the Little Mayor wants to run very, very badly, but the numbers are scaring him and he is trying to drive coverage so that he can say when he gets in the race "I am only running because 'the people' want me to!"

But of course all along he has wanted to run, he hired Howard Wolfson as communications director because he knew he wanted to run, he put away $300 million because he wants a nest egg to run with and scare lots of others away from running, and he keeps appearing on TV or talking in the papers coyly about not running because he wants to run.

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