Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cathie Black/Joel Klein Caption Contest

It's time for a Cathie Black/Joel Klein caption contest.

Please submit your caption ideas for the above photo.

The winner gets an all-expense paid trip to the Bloomberg charity headquarters/tax haven in the Cayman Islands - and just like Mayor Bloomberg does it when he visits, the trip will be tax free!

Isn't that exciting!

So get those brains working.


  1. Cathie: Joel, I'm so relieved that your PR people blacked out my grades on my transcript. If the public were to find out that I had failed several classes, I would have to return the waiver.
    Joel: Cathie, stop worrying. I've trained all my administrators to change grades or to have more credit recovery programs. One of my deputy chancellors would've changed your grade.

  2. Cathie: Am I qualified for the job?...If it means screwing kids and arbitrarily firing people, like my buddy, Joel here, well, sure, I'm qualified.

  3. Joel: Gee, Cathie, you're even uglier than the data showed. I would've thought Botox would at least added a bit more value to your appearance. No wonder everything you do is a secret!

    Cathie: Shut up, fool or I'll tell the world you play Kneel and Bob with Mike!

  4. "The peasants are revolting." "You can say that again."

  5. Klein: The publishing from the testing alone will be monster...

    Black: Fuckin' A . . .(under her breath)
