Thursday, December 9, 2010

Heckuva Job!

This sums up the mood of the country:
A new Bloomberg Poll finds more than 50% of Americans say they are worse off now than they were two years ago when President Obama took office, and two-thirds believe the country is headed in the wrong direction.

With layoffs seemingly imminent in the NYC school system, with seniority under attack, with The Teacher-Basher-In-Chief leading the ed deform and school privatization movements from Washington D.C., with my salary frozen and the possibility that my next salary-step will be performance-based, with my evaluation at work now based upon test scores - yeah, I'd have to say that I am worse off now than before Obama took office.

How about you?


  1. Since I was let go from the city because of 'performance' and 'budgetary' reasons (Reading Recovery Teacher from former school took over my old class, and have no more annual

    However, the ++, I have been substituting in a school that puts the students needs first and get to see what an organized building looks like (not the NYC school system)

  2. I am glad to hear you have found some sub work in a good school, MissGingie. Still, what happened with the city, sounds horrible!

  3. Everything needs to be completely changed.
    I mostly work with pre-kindergarten and kindergarten children. The expectations are so unreasonable for the younger children. They are expected to perform and read books that are technically for first graders. They have to sit for long periods of time, for lessons that are not developmentally appropriate.

    I remember having to rewrite a big for my Pre-K Literacy Observation lesson because the principal was asking me to do something that the children did not have the conceptual knowledge for.

    I do not know if this is occurring in the middle or high schools, but its so bad right now in the elementary schools and with early childhood.
