Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The NYCDOE Is Hiring!!!

Do you think economic times are hard and jobs difficult to come by?

Not if you're an "accountability specialist" they're not!

The DOE is hiring!!!

ARIS Local Project Coordinator

Senior Analyst in the Office of Performance and Accountability

Can you sell your soul to the data gods?

If you can, there is money to be made by you!

Progressive educators, union members and people with any humanistic instincts or emotional awareness need not apply.


  1. From a progressive educator, thank you for the heads up.

    Its interesting. I just finished watching Joe Somebody. The movie reminds me so much of the DOE, their propaganda and how the DOE operates.

  2. Not only that, but in last Sundays NY Times there was a small ad in the business section for certified teachers in all subject areas for Bronx and Brooklyn schools(Reply to room 506, 65 Court St). Normally, education ads are in the Week in Review section. I checked on the DOE website and there is currently a hiring freeze with the exception of a few shortage areas. My theory is they are going to cut a deal with the UFT to allow the Turnaround Model, casting out 50% of the staff to ATRville(senior teachers), and hire new young enthusiastic CHEAP teachers.

  3. From a progressive educator, here are some work samples on how children learn and focus in the environment. (Pictures do not identify people, just the project or process of learning).

    The link is from my blog post.

  4. I am doing a job search now for Pre-Kindergarten teachers. One of the "new' positions came up on my search.

    I wrote about it here.
