Perdido 03

Perdido 03

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wow - Even The Daily Kossacks Aren't Carrying Obama's Water Anymore

Things are bad for Barack Obama when even the diary writers at the Daily Kos start slamming him and sounding like me.

But of course there are always a couple of co-dependents left to lug all that corporate sell-out water up the hill.

Yikes - some people have no self respect.


  1. DKOS is a big tent. There are reliable "whiny lefties" who post realistic diaries. And there are reliable apologists who do diaries with cutie pics of the handsome, (I call that wooden) Prez Accountability. But yes, as you said, there are people screeching "healthcare ! Lily Ledbetter! Wall street reform! and yes, no kidding, Race to the top" every time somebody writes about foreclosuregate or Afghanistan or cat food commission. Once an Obama apologist threatened me , yes, that if we keep criticizing him, he will drop out in 2012 and we poor lefties will live to regret that !!!

  2. Enjoy this - on the "compromise" our country was founded upon. Don't miss the caption for the photo.

    Prez Accountability seems to be loosing bearings way faster than I imagined. Wheels coming off, bearings lost.....
