Saturday, January 15, 2011

Cathie's Choice: New Yorkers Comment On Cathie

Some very interesting comments on the latest Cathie Black gaffe in which she suggested birth control as a solution for school overcrowding and compared "tough decisions" she has to make on school funding and placement to sending children to a Nazi death camp:

A word of advice, Cath. You need to build up a modicum of credibility before you start with the wisecracks. Despite what you may believe, you have none when it comes to the educational system.


Well, what do you expect from a Waspish Park Ave matron? It's just a matter of time before her views on eugenics become public.


Come on, you guys. She was absolutely right. A little birth control would have been a great thing. Pity her own parents didn't use it.


what a sweetheart! she reminds me of Cruella DeVille.

"All right. Keep the little beasts. Do what you like with them. Drown them, for all I care."

I like it - Cruella Cathie Black.

I think we have a new name for her.

Hey, Cruella, pass me the flask...


  1. Cruella DeBlack. Ha ha ha ha ha. That's good. Someone on another blog likened her solution to Swift's "A Modest Proposal." If you are unfamiliar with it, please read the wiki entry at

  2. The gift that keeps giving
