Monday, January 24, 2011

Rahmbo Declared Ineligible To Run For Mayor

Every once in a while I get home from work, turn on the computer and see some news that really puts a smile on my face.

Today was one of those days:

An Illinois Appellate Court today ruled that former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel isn't an eligible candidate for mayor of Chicago because he has not been a legal resident of the city for at least one year.

The surprise 2-to-1 decision reverses earlier rulings by a Cook County judge and the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners that had cleared the way for Emanuel's bid. It now casts doubt on whether Emanuel's name will be printed on city ballots, set to go to the printers in the next few days.

"I have no doubt that, in the end, that we will prevail in this effort," said Emanuel, who plans to appeal the decision to the Illinois Supreme Court. "My attorneys are going to ask for a stay [of the appeallate court's decision] there so I can get my name printed on the ballot as well."

The mayoral election is scheduled for Feb. 22.

The three-judge panel had distilled the debate over Emanuel's residency into two questions: whether Emanuel had "resided in the municipality" for at least one year as mandated by city code, and if not, whether he qualified for an exemption.

On the first issue, Judge Thomas Hoffman ruled that Emanuel did not fulfill residency requirements as intended by law.

"'Reside" generally means, among other things, 'to dwell permanently or continuously,' or to 'have a settled abode for a time,'" wrote Judge Thomas Hoffman for the majority. "We believe...that the phrase 'resided in' as used in the Municipal Code requires actual, not constructive, residence."

Municipal code provides an exemption to the residency requirement for an "elector or spouse" who has left the precinct or district on "business of the United States or of this state."

But Hoffman ruled that that provision only applied to voters, not candidates for public office. "We agree... that this exception applies to him," he wrote. "We disagree, however, with his position that the exception saves his candidacy. In our view, the exception...applies only to voter residency requirements, not to candidate residency requirements.

So Rahmbo - the hedge fund industry's favorite candidate - can vote for mayor, he just can't run for it.

We'll see how the higher court rules.

I'm sure Emanuel and his corporate overlords will be furiously working behind the scenes to ensure Rahmbo can run.

But at least for now, this smug bastard has had the smirk wiped off his face and the word "ineligible" stamped on his head.


  1. Heard on talk radio that the Black politicians from Chicago who support the former Senator for mayor(she is black) are pissed off at Bill Clinton for backing Emmanuuel. The Black caucus members from Chicago stood behind Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky scandal and during the impeachment. So much for party loyalty. Hope this little bastard has to go work for his scum bag brother in L.A. They are the political equivalents of the Kardashians.

  2. That's a great analogue actually - the Emanuels are the political equivalent of the Kardashians.
