Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Google Searches Never Lie

Wonkette finds that Google searches are looking not so good for Governor Walker.

Question - is the search for "Scott Walker is a douche" and "Scott Walker is a douchebag" redundant?

Just asking.


  1. Under ordinary circumstances, I wouldn't condone the use of the word "douche" or "douchebag" to describe anyone, let alone Scott Walker, by dignifying RBE's question with a response (no reflection on you, RBE, I usually read your rants with interest, as I share many of your viewpoints). "Douche" or "Dusche" in many European languages, means "shower," and in most of those languages, means both the type you have in your bathroom and the type that rains outside. In strictly American parlance, "douche" refers to a vaginal cleaning apparatus. "Douchebag" refers to the container that holds the water or solution used for that purpose. There's nothing vile or disgusting about a douche or its purpose. However, because Scott Walker IS such a vile individual, perhaps a less misogynistic invective might serve the same purpose - perhaps one that implies autoerotic intercourse, such as "when his penis reaches his anus, then he can go fuck himself."

  2. Aren't you glad we're on the same side?
