Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ebook Readers

I bought an Astak EZ Ebook Reader last year because I wanted something open-sourced that read Epub and PDF files. It's not color, but I really have liked it - quite light, comes with an expansion slot up to 32 GB, and runs forever without needing to be charged.

I see that Astak, though it seemed to get good reviews just last year when they rolled out the last model, is now out of the ereader business.

I might be in the market for another ereader - perhaps color this time. I don't want a proprietary reader that I have to purchase books from a certain store. I am ambivalent about bells and whistles - I just want the reader for books.

So a question to you all -what ereader do you use and/or what ereader do you recommend?


  1. Ipad. I have one iand it works well. There are plenty of apps that read epub and it is easy to find free epubs. Let me know and maybe I can give you the hook up.

  2. I'm gonna get a new Ipad. You can buy a refurb from apple for 349 bucks if you want 1st generation. Apple warantees refurbs for a full year, so I'd buy from them. Beats sending money to Bill Gates for larger class sizes.

  3. My Astak uses Linux, so no money went to Bill Gates.

    I know I'm in the minority here, but I don't like Apple stuff at all. I bought an Ipod and hated the thing - the way it was designed, the way it synchs. It was a piece of shit - it started to go bust after just about a year.

    I have an Android-based thing now, much better design, much better sound and you don't have to synch. I can just add files to it - plus because it is so large, I can use FLAC files - the sound quality is SO MUCH BETTER than the Ipod I had.

    I understand the animosity about Gates, NYC, and I share it with you. But I feel similar hostility toward Jobs.

    Read this story and you just might feel the same way too:

    Gates is evil and not enough bad stuff can happen to him.

    Jobs, however, is evil too.

    He's a Buddhist, and if there is any justice in the world, he will come back as an Ipad worker at a Chinese slave labor factory that manufactures Apple products.
