Thursday, April 28, 2011

Nader: Primary Obama

Not because he thinks anybody can knock off Obama in a primary, but just to remind Obama not to take liberals and progressives for granted:

Ralph Nader is convinced that Barack Obama will win reelection in 2012, but that won’t stop him from trying to organize a slate of Democrats in the coming months to challenge the president in party primaries next year.

Nader told POLITICO on Wednesday that he is working on bringing together about half a dozen presidential candidates who could “dramatically expand a robust discussion within the Democratic Party and among progressive voters across the country.” Each would focus on a specific issue where the far left says Obama hasn’t done enough, including the environment, labor and health care.

Nader, who has run for president five times as an independent or third party candidate — including his 2000 run on the Green ticket, which some Democrats say cost Al Gore the election — said that for next year, he believes an ideologically based, multi-candidate primary challenge would be the best way to pull Obama to the left ahead of the second term he believes Republicans will not be able to stop.

Obama is smug and abusive toward the base.

I think anything that makes him less smug and less abusive would be a good thing.


  1. Amen to that. Who needs democrats who extend Bush tax breaks and ask the middle class to make up for them?

  2. It's past time for a new political party...a Labor Party, like England, that royalist bastion of democracy.

  3. I'm with Ms. Tsouris. The Democratic party is wholly beyond redemption on every level. We need to begin the very hard work of creating and building an entirely new party to represent working people. To expect the Democrats to help at this point is simply delusional.

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