Saturday, December 3, 2011

Why Stop At Just Firing Teachers?

Commander-In-Chief-In-Waiting Mike Bloomberg said if he had his way, he'd fire 50% of New York City public school teachers and double class sizes to 70.

Hey, Mikey, why stop at firing 50% of NYC school teachers?

Why not stick 'em in Guantanamo Bay and unleash the CIA on them with taxpayer-provided waterboards?

Better yet, why not unleash your own army on them with all that fun new anti-terror technology your police commissioner is always bragging about and keep the torture right here in NYC.

All you have to do is declare unionized teachers "terror suspects" and you can pretty much do whatever the hell you want with them these days.

Let's be honest here, the way you talk about teachers and the way you treat them, it's pretty obvious you think we're worse than terrorists.

So don't stop with firing teachers, Mr. Mayor - indulge your inner Cheney.

It's the right thing to do - for both the kids and America.


  1. Using the mayors logic on a small scale:

    Now = 100 teachers for 3000 students
    Solution = 50 teachers for 3000 students

    But half of all teachers are bad, so...

    25 teachers for 3000 students

    But half of all teachers are bad, so...

    13 teachers for 3000 students

    But half of all teachers are bad, so...

    7 teachers for 3000 students

    But half of all teachers are bad, so...

    4 teachers for 3000 students

    But half of all teachers are bad, so...

    2 teachers for 3000 students

    But half of all teachers are bad, so...

    1 teacher for 3000 students



    From the Article: "Clearly the mayor has never taught."

    I wonder: Did this guy even go to school?

  2. And don't forget, he can fill in the gap by distance learning, via technology, so that one teacher can "teach" several thousand students. This will be very good for businesses, headed by people like Joel Klein.

  3. Anon, That's exactly where I would have thought he was going with this, too, but in the same talk he said technology is overemphasized in classrooms and doesn't have the kind of effect proponents (i.e., his former crooked chancellor) think it does.

    So maybe he's just decided that working and middle class children do not deserve anything more than a barnyard education and if they have a problem with it, well, too bad - send your kids to Dalton then.
