Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Bloomberg Says School Is Open For Teachers On Friday

Gotham Schools is reporting that school will be closed for both students and teachers tomorrow but will be open on Friday for teachers:

Schools will remain closed for students for the rest of the week following Hurricane Sandy, Mayor Bloomberg announced this afternoon.

But he said the city is asking teachers and school staff to report to schools on Friday.


Bloomberg said the Friday teacher workday would allow teachers and school staff to prepare for students’ return after an interruption of unprecedented length.

In a press release, Walcott said the department would “provide more information to our staff, including those who may be required to report to a site other than their school.”

How many will make it in?

I have to come from Jersey.

The PATH isn't running.

I have no water and the electricity has been in and out all day.

My school in Manhattan is without power.

Much of Long Island is still without power.

Petulant little man can't bear to see people off with pay so he's going to force people to come in even though there are no students, many schools are still without power and transit is limited.

And you know he'll wind up adding five additional school days at the end because students missed five days.

Will the UFT do anything about this?


  1. What a pair of the end of his press conferance he mentions the likelihood of global warming and melting ice caps, yet he flys in private jets, and also his private helicopter! That doesn't pollute I guess...?

  2. Don't forget the pair of idling SUV's he has that follow him wherever he goes.

  3. Where is the UFT on this? I can't even bring up the homepage.

  4. It's down - apparently chapter leaders were told, but not members.

    We can expect no help from them.

    Call de Blasio:

    Constituent services: (212) 669-7250

    Stringer and Quinn don't seem to be taking messages.

    Maybe de Blasio will make a public stink about this.

  5. Chapter leaders were told nothing

  6. I'm a chapter leader, and I was advised that would go down. Mulgrew sent a notice, and it did not appear to be directed only to chapter leaders. In part, it read:

    "The UFT website will be coming down on Tuesday afternoon as a precaution given the possibility of a power outrage in lower Manhattan. Please follow the UFT on Facebook to receive updates during the storm."

    As for what the UFT has to say about Friday, I have no idea.
