Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Is The Evaluation Agreement A Done Deal?

Yesterday we learned that the city had rejected the union's call for PERB mediation on the last remaining issues keeping the sides apart from an evaluation agreement.

Buried near the bottom of last night's Gotham Schools update on the evaluation negotiations was this:

Union leaders continued to prepare its members to review a plan should one be agreed upon before the deadline.

Vice President Leroy Barr called members of the union’s evaluations committee to a meeting on Wednesday afternoon. ”Please note that we need you in attendance on Wednesday, January 16th at 4:15PM,” Barr wrote in an email to the 150-teacher committee this evening. ”As promised, we want to give you updates at that time.”

 Mulgrew is quoted in the post as saying the following:

”I told them I’d keep then updated about roughly where we’re at,” Mulgrew said. “What I’ll have to tell them I guess is we’re at a stalemate.”

 And so the kabuki dancing continues.

If you're hoping for no deal, that 4:15 PM meeting should make you nervous.

Is that when the cave in notification is given?

Or do Casey and Mulgrew take it right down to the wire and wait until tomorrow?

Dunno when they do it, but I still expect major concessions from the union and a total sell-out for teachers.

The state officials quoted in the piece certainly sound confident that's what's going to happen.


  1. You're going to look like a big goof if/when there's no caving. There are some good recipes for crow. Check 'em out.

    1. Fyi. I'd been reading this blog for a while now. Never seen RBE look like a goof.
      But also in that piece is the SED person saying they've already been getting pieces of the agreement and have been reviewing them.
      I think it's happening later today or early tomorrow.

  2. The UFT has always caved and always will under Mulgrew. RBE is no fool. If the UFT doesn't cave tonight, then they will cave in the next few days or few weeks. We are about to experience a total sellout by the UFT for a bad evaluation system based on flawed, unpredictable data with nothing except merit pay in return. This will lead to a big loss of cooperation among teachers. This entire evaluation will become a textbook case of organizational and human resource mismanagement. Guaranteed, Mulgrew's endgame is the total destruction of tenure rights, seniority , job security and job satisfaction for all teachers. If he was actually concerned with what teachers actually wanted with regard to APPR , then he would have allowed a rank and file vote on the new evaluation system. You can bet your house on it that the UFT will ultimately cave.
    Finally, RBE is a brilliant political analyst of UFT / DOE politics. It is Mulgrew who sucks
    Bloomberg's _________.

  3. I would happily be wrong about this. Every other piece I've written on APPR, I've ended it with "Hope to be wrong about this, but I doubt I will be...You'll never go broke betting heavy that the UFT will sell out its membership for political expediency, its own convoluted agenda or just for the hell of it."

    I stand by those statements now.

    I really do hope I'm wrong about this.

    I won't eat crow if the UFT does let the deadline pass without an agreement, but I will happily say that I hope in some small way that I helped the union leadership find their backbone and stand up for what's right.

    God knows, they can't seem to do that on their own...
