Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Christine Quinn Threatens Time Warner Cable

Looks like that anti-Christine Quinn ad that is running has gotten under her skin:

Democratic mayoral hopeful Christine Quinn declared war yesterday on the left-wing backers of a TV ad attacking her, demanding that Time Warner Cable stop airing the spot because, she claims, it is factually wrong.

“She wants you to think that she’s a progressive,” the ad’s narrator says, smoke swirling over an empty table, “but on the issues New Yorkers care most about, she is always on the wrong side — on living wage, her flip-flop on paid sick leave and term limits. All that’s clear as the smoke lifts is her political ambition.”

Quinn’s campaign attorney, Jerry Goldfeder, disputes the ad’s characterization of Quinn as on the “wrong side” of a bill forcing companies taking city subsidies to pay a so-called living wage of $11.50 an hour.


Chelsea Connor, director of communications at The Advance Group, which created the ad, called Quinn’s move “desperate.”

“The filing of a cease and desist against Time Warner Cable today is a desperate attempt from the Quinn campaign to stop a campaign that is based on the facts ... and was approved by the legal department at Time Warner,” Connor said.

She said The Advance Group provided further evidence — upon Time Warner’s request — to verify its claims. The spot continues to air.

Some of the backers of the $250,000 ad buy — a group called New York City Is Not For Sale — held a raucous press conference on the steps of City Hall yesterday to denounce Quinn and insist they are not working with any other mayoral campaign.

“Some of these issues — living wage, sick-leave pay — these are not luxuries, these are necessities in my opinion,” said Wendy Neu, a politically active businesswoman who actually raised money for Quinn in previous elections. 

The ABQ (Anybody But Quinn) movement is gaining speed.

Christine Quinn is a paper front-runner.

She has name recognition, so she polls well.

But we have a lot of time between now and September and she has a lot of enemies.

Those people are coming out and issuing statements and taking ads and have press conferences explaining why Chris Quinn is not fit to be mayor.

We'll see if our paper tiger is still over the 40% threshold when we get to July and August.

If she survives the onslaught, then she has a good shot to win.

But I suspect the steady deluge of anti-Quinn stories and ads wil ltake their toll on her.

That'w why they filed the cease and desist Order against Time Warner Cable.

They're worried about these ads.


  1. Wonderful and I could not agree more with you. The ABQ campaign and the focus upon Term Limits is a winner, the Quinn folks do not have a viable response to such attack. Keep it going, TERM LIMITS, TERM LIMITS.

    1. Yup - and BLOOMBERG, BLOOMBERG, BLOOMBRERG. Just keep hammering those two things and we'll see where she stands in late August.
