Saturday, April 27, 2013

Race To The Top Twitter Trolls

A teacher was removed from his classroom for allegedly tweeting a question from the NY State math "assessment".

That teacher had actually tweeted a math problem from the practice book.

A twitter troll admonished him: "You might want to refrain from posting questions from the NY State assessment."

The teacher responded on Twitter that he had not posted a problem from the test, but rather a problem similar to one that was on the test that was in the practice book.

Nonetheless the teacher was removed from his classroom the next day while the state investigated the incident.

Eventually exonerated from the twitter troll's accusation, the teacher returned to his classroom where he learned that rumors had spread among his students and their families that he had been arrested.

You can read the whole thing here.

A chilling story that is meant to strike fear into the hearts and souls of teachers.

Comply or they will come after you and have both your job and your reputation.

The twitter troll - a Race to the Top Network Specialist, whatever that is - remains free to roam the Twitterverse and Internets rooting out potential non-compliance with the NYSED/Regents Endless Testing regime.

This is how crazy the corporate education reform testing regime has gotten - they've got trolls on the Internets and in the Twitterverse looking for alleged crimes against the education reform state.


  1. Here's lovely Allison Sitt's twitter page :

    Was hoping to make points with her masters but looks like she's going to be paying off a defense lawyer on a teacher's salary. What a disgusting soulless puke. She tried to rat out a fellow teacher to his administration. As my NP/ER wife might say I can only hope her future involves a nasty bowel obstruction.

    1. Yeah, the fact that the Twitter troll who set this all off does not think she bears any responsibility for almost ruining a man's career and reputation based upon a false allegation is troubling.

      I bet there is a NYSED position waiting for her.

  2. I can't even believe you far are we from the gulag mentality...? From everyday Americans "turning you in" for a little favor from The Party Bosses....?

    1. That's exactly right - just like Soviet Russia, where they turned the populace against each other by giving informers extra toilet paper and that sort of thing to spy on their neighbors.

      I'm not going to name this person who was trolling the Twitterverse and informed on the teacher, but I see little difference between her and any other "rat" looking to sell some information to the prison guards for an extra piece of cheese.

  3. I have Russian people at work who tell me repeatedly that we are quickly resembling the old Soviet Union.

    Yes, we still have "freedom of speech" but it's conditional these days. If you say the wrong thing you lose your livelihood, and are banished from your specific community. Pretty totalitarian if you ask me.

    1. Like this fellow:

      Obey or be destroyed - that's the message.
