Friday, May 10, 2013

Bloomberg Bans Butter

Nanny Bloomberg at it again:

First they went after the candy machines.

Then they took aim at the sugary sodas. And most of the bake sales. And the greasy french fries at lunchtime.

And now the latest target of the city schools’ push to fight childhood obesity is something as simple as butter.
The spreadable delight has been banned from school cafeterias. It can’t be used for cooking or offered with bread.

And now it’s the subject of an aggressive crackdown that threatens the livelihood of school kitchen managers who’ve dared to order the illicit treat.

“Please explain why your managers are ordering BUTTER!!!” a Brooklyn regional school food manager fumed in an email last week to officials overseeing 25 schools.

The email had an attachment called “Excess Butter Ordering Report” that identified school kitchen managers who’d ordered between $74 and $148 worth of butter.

“Every Manager on this list has to get a disciplinary letter by close of business next week Friday (5/10/13). I also want a copy of every letter sent to my office.”

One kitchen manager caught butter-handed then received a note warning that “if there is a repetition of this incident or similar incident, further disciplinary action will be taken against you which might lead to the termination of your employment with the Office of School Food.”

So what are they using instead of butter?

Why, a rancid genetically modified low fat salad soybean or canola oil of course!

Meanwhile, if Bloomberg and his toadies were really worried about obesity, they might get rid of some of the test prep and add back the gym classes:

Greenpoint mom Brooke Parker was baffled by the anti-butter crusade. “I don’t understand why the mayor is attacking butter. What’s he got against butter? It’s not that bad for you,” she said. “How about making sure kids have gym classes before they ban butter?”

Oh, no can't have gym class.
So they'll ban the butter and push the GMO oils instead.


  1. TeachmyclassMrMayor(andyoutooMrMulgrew)May 10, 2013 at 11:30 PM

    PE teachers cost money, and they have no state test for that (yet...anyone say Ohio and their moronic PE test, which is really based on the examples I have seen, is a kinesiology test). The purely chemical, unnatural butter substitute is much, much more profitable.
