Tuesday, May 21, 2013

But What Is Their Value-Added Measurement?

From the Washington Post:

Seven children’s bodies were taken from the obliterated Plaza Towers Elementary School on Monday, said Oklahoma City police Sgt. Jennifer Wardlow. Officials believe more young victims are trapped, and dead, in the rubble. “Unfortunately I think that number’s going to grow,” Wardlow said.

Some youngsters were pulled from the debris, wet and dirty but alive. In television interviews, a few said teachers used their bodies to shield students from airborne debris. Dozens of rescuers in hard hats continued to pick through the wreckage. In all, Oklahoma Highway Patrol spokeswoman Betsy Randolph told CNN, 101 people had been pulled alive from collapsed buildings by early Tuesday.

Again and again, we see teachers doing everything they can to save their students from harm during these horrific events - from the Newtown shooting to the Oklahoma tornado.

Joel Klein and Michael Bloomberg and Michelle Rhee and so many other education reformers like to say that teachers are only out for themselves, that they don't care about their students, that they only care about their pensions and their tenure.

Again and again, as we see teachers use their bodies to shield their students from harm in events from Newtown to Okahoma City, we see that what Klein and Bloomberg and Rhee and so many other education reformers say about teachers are lies.


  1. I noticed that...May 21, 2013 at 5:07 PM

    Has anyone heard in the news if Rhee, Duncan, Klein, and the other deformers volunteered their time, rolled up their sleeves to help those hit the hardest during these horrific events?

    Not me! I only hear about teachers and other union members jumping in to help their students, the families, and their community in times of devastation.

    Could it be that Rhee, et al, were not able to volunteer in some selfless act because of their committment to attend those forums of "Have you a bashed a teacher lately?" discussions. Yeah, I think that's the reason.

    1. Klein is too busy on his Blackberry and Rhee is too busy cashing in.

  2. TeachmyclassMrMayor(andyoutooMrMulgrew)May 21, 2013 at 11:04 PM

    Really RBE? You do not see how those selfish, evil teachers threw those kids under themselves, just for political spin? Very closed minded of you. And I am sure that ARheeDuncKlein will be running right to Oklahoma, just you wait and see.

    Too much of a reach?

    1. If there's a payday or a political benefit, you're right, Rhee will be there.

      Otherwise, not so much.
