Thursday, May 30, 2013

How Bad Will King's Evaluation System Be?

The sham testimony for the APPR system for NYC teachers takes place today and tomorrow between Commissioner King, the UFT and the DOE.

King will announce something this weekend.

You can bet the system is already a done deal and the "testimony" is nothing more than a formality.

How bad will it be?

Since the UFT happily abdicated negotiation to an "independent" arbitrator who is anything but independent (the head of the NYSED and a former charter school hack/pro-testing champion), it's going to be pretty bad.

The good news is, Mayor Bloomberg is out of office in a little over seven months.

The bad news is, he may be replaced by somebody who will keep whatever system King imposes in place rather than negotiating changes with the UFT.

If there is a bright side to all of this, it's that the more unworkable and insane the system is, the more likely the whole thing falls apart under it's own unworkability and insanity or is successfully challenged and killed in court.

Still, it's going to be a rough time for students, teachers, and schools under this insanity.


  1. As you say, this probably will fall apart due to it's unworkability, but in the meantime some teachers will be ground to bits by it.

    It's also an Orwellian use of language for King to be referred to as an "arbitrator."

    An arbitrator, is an independent, neutral third party, and King s anything but neutral in this matter, but is instead a puppet of those seeking to privatize and feed off the schools.

    1. If King is an independent arbitrator, so's Walcott...
