Sunday, July 7, 2013

Post Attacks Quinn

The NY Posties wrote an editorial today in which they attacked Christine Quinn as "the worst of both worlds: the full Bloomberg nanny without any of his principled stands for common sense."

Leaving aside the nonsense about Bloomberg having "common sense," I want to point out how interesting it is that Rupert Murdoch's paper is attacking Christine Quinn on the editorial page.

She seems to have lost Rupert Murdoch and his merry hacksters at the Post.


  1. Not sure how many Democratic primary voters are swayed by Rupey's rag.

    1. Probably none. I just think it's interesting that they've turned on her. A few months back, they liked her.

    2. Maybe they liked her before they decided she was a sinking ship.

    3. No doubt. And then, they have the Weiner pushing health care costs onto city workers and making nice with the charter operators, so they don't need her anymore.

  2. It's too bad. Before the Bloomberg influence she probably could have been a decent candidate. Strong and feisty. But extending term limits, closing St. Vincents Hospital, all the privatization backers...

    Oh, well.

    If only she'd used her strength and feistiness for goodness instead of evil.

    1. I think this is always who she has been. Like Ed Koch before her, she was "progressive" when that got her somewhere, then a corporate sell-out when that got her somewhere bigger.
