Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Tests As Shock And Awe

Leonie Haimson weighed on what the education reform establishment is doing with by rigging the scores to dramatically fall: 

So why are King, Arne Duncan, Joel Klein and the billionaires like Bill Gates and Rupert Murdoch who are pulling the strings, so determined to prove that more that 69% of the students throughout New York State are failing?  This is the Shock Doctrine at work.  Naomi Klein has observed that when you scare people enough, it is easier to persuade them to allow you to make whatever radical changes you want, since the status quo will be perceived as so disastrous. In the case of these men, they would like to convince parents that their corporate agenda, including a steady diet of developmentally unsound standards, the Common Core’s rigid quota for “informational text” and overemphasis on testing,  and their favorite policies of closing schools and firing teachers based on test scores, expanding charter schools and online learning, data-mining and outsourcing educational services to for-profit vendors will somehow improve the quality of education in our state, even though there is little or no evidence for any of these policies.  

And Leonie reminds us that it is King who set the bar for the scores and that bar is an arbitrary one:

The truth is that the new cut scores that determine the different proficiency levels on the state exams – which decide how many kids “pass” or are at Level 3 and 4 -- are arbitrary and set by Commissioner King.  He can set them to create the illusion that our schools are rapidly improving, as the previous Commissioner did, or he can set them to make it look that our public schools are failing, as King now is doing, to bolster support for his other policies.
       The primary evidence that Commissioner King now bases his overly-harsh cut scores upon is that the results are mirror the percent of students who test “proficient” or above on the NAEPs.  Yet while the NAEPs are reliable to discern trends in test scores, because they remain relatively stable over time, the cut scores that determine the various NAEP achievement levels are VERY controversial. See Diane Ravitch on how the NAEP’s benchmarks are “unreasonably high”; or this article that reveals that even the National Academy of Sciences has questioned the setting of the NAEP proficiency levels, and how many experts believe that level 2 on the NAEPs – or basic -- should be used instead to estimate which students are on track for college:
Fully 50% of 17-year-olds judged to be only basic by NAEP ultimately obtained four-year degrees. Just one third of American fourth graders were said to be proficient in reading by NAEP in the mid-1990s at the very time that international assessments of fourth-grade reading judged American students to rank Number Two in the world.

Despite running a pretty good report, WABC 7 didn't get to the real meat of the story:

The tests were rigged to make the state's schools look bad, to make teachers look bad, to make students look bad, because there is an agenda at work here - the Shock Doctrine.


  1. Fixed,fixed,fixed,the books are cooked as per the usual.Why anyone has any faith in the validity of these bs tests as indicative of anything but what the greedy bastards want is beyond the power to comprrhend.

    1. Unfortunately it is all the news tonight. Somebody said it made it to the CBS evening news with whoever replaced Dan Rather. I saw the news on the PATH train tonight. The meme - NY schools suck.
