Perdido 03

Perdido 03

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

2/3rds Of Primary Voters With Children In School Say Public Schools Either Same Or Worse Since Bloomberg Took Over

We've seen these very numbers before in polls conducted by the public polling outfits.

Now we get the same numbers from the exit polling:

On education, parents of public school children were divided as to how the schools have fared under Mr. Bloomberg. About a third said public schools stayed the same under his tenure, while about equal numbers said they had become better or gotten worse.

There's your legacy on schools, Mr. Bloomberg.

Hundreds of closures, four re-organizations of the system, churn and burn with the teachers, all kinds of curricula changes - and two-thirds of parents with kids in schools STILL say the system is about the same or worse since you took over.

Two-thirds, Mike.

But at least Rupert and Mort like what you've done with it.

And the hedge fundies too.

Let's be honest - that's all that matters.

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