Tuesday, September 17, 2013

New Yorkers Don't Seem To Like Joe Lhota Very Much

His unfavorables are already in Christine Quinn territory:

Grossman wonders if Lhota's unfavorables stem from the ads run against him the primaries.

Stuff like this:

In addition, Grossman notes that while Bloomberg was losing heavily to Green in early 2001 polls, he did not have the same unfavorables that Lhota has:

I have written more than once that Lhota comes across as a jerk and has temperament problems.

Back in May after Lhota insulted the Port Authority police with his "mall cop" crack, I wrote the following:

Nice job by Lhota alienating his natural base - the police and their family members.

There are plenty of PA cops who live in the Rockaways, Staten Island and elsewhere.

Good luck winning their votes, Joe.

I have long said Lhota is a moron with a big mouth who is just a moment away from imploding his campaign by either saying or doing something stupid.

Yesterday's crack against Port Authority cops probably isn't fatal, especially since there seems to be no other viable GOP candidate who can beat Lhota in the Republican primary, but it's a good example of why Lhota won't get elected.

Previous examples include shoving a reporter he was pissed at and insulting a 77 year old man at an MTA board meeting and challenging him to a fight.

If this is the best the oligarchy can do on the GOP side, they've got a thin bench.

I stick by those words.

Barring some extraordinary event, Lhota is not winning this race.

Not with those unfavorables, not with his penchant for opening his mouth and pissing people off, not when some of the people he is pissing off are his natural constituency like police officers and their families.

Joe Lhota is a jerk with a big mouth.

Don't think the de Blasio campaign, the savviest of all the Democratic campaigns, won't know that and won't know how to exploit that without looking like they're exploiting it.

Lhota will try and define de Blasio as the second coming of David Dinkins and Abe Beame.

Right now, though, Lhota's bigger problem is trying to turn these unfavorables around.


  1. Lhota was riding on a float at the San Genarro Feast/parade on Saturday. Everybody was booing the heck out of him. It was a great sight for sure!!!

    1. I would think some of his natural constituency would be at the San Gennaro festival. Not good if he's getting booed there.

  2. What powers does DeBlasio have in hiring and firing DOE officials, like Walcott, Shael, etc? Can he bring in new hires ? Can he restructure networks, etc?

    1. He can do all of those things - except renegotiate a teacher evaluation system that King/Cuomo don't like. King has veto power over that, unless the legislature decides to change that.

  3. Mayoral control means mayoral control. He will have total power.

    1. Alas, he will not have power to do away with APPR. It is true that he can negotiate a new evaluation agreement with the UFT, but it is subject to King's approval. I suspect John King will not approve anything that looks much different from what he imposed on us in late May.
