Friday, October 18, 2013

Iannuzzi Should Be Grilled At NYSUT Common Core Town Halls

NYSUT announced they would hold town hall meetings with parents and teachers to discuss the problems with Common Core implementation.

NYSUT President Dick Iannuzzi should be asked some tough questions at this meetings over the positions he has taken on Common Core, Race to the Top, and the APPR teacher evaluation system.

Iannuzzi signed off on Race to the Top, happily embraced Common Core and stood on stage with Cuomo, Tisch, and King (along with UFT President Michael Mulgrew) to hail the APPR teacher evaluation system that tied teacher evals to test scores back in February 2012.

Iannuzzi wants to hold town hall meetings with teachers and parents?

Great - he's got a lot to answer for regarding this education reform nightmare New York is living through.

Just as much as NYSED Commissioner King, Regents Chancellor Tisch and Governor Cuomo in fact.


  1. I would like Dick and Mike to drop by my school one of these days. They would get quite an earful from the teachers at my school who are pissed about the changes made to OUR evaluations without us having say. The sellout continues but is finally starting to see real people stand up for the good fight against it. (Better late than never!)

  2. Watch out for the type of "Write you questions down and hand them in" process that has become so popular with the reformers' and their collaborators (NYSUT/UFT) discussions.
