Sunday, October 20, 2013

Why Won't NYSED Commissioner John King Hold A Common Core Meeting In NYC?

Surely Bloomberg and Walcott can provide the same NYPD cops they have at the PEP rubber stamp meetings to make sure NYSED Commissioner John King feels safe at a NYC town hall meeting on Common Core?

And yet, no meeting here in NYC where, as Leonie notes, 1/3 of all students who attend public school in NY State live.

Very, very cowardly.

And not too smart.

Difficult to see how their massive propaganda campaign to sell the Common Core and education reform agenda to the public works when they completely ignore NYC.


  1. They completely control NYC, so why bother? Their mandates are imposed without question.

    Their strategy is to somehow bring the suburbs, with their elected school boards and high taxes based on good public schools, into line.

    1. That's exactly it. But I wonder how much they really control NYC. Parents in TriBeCa, Park Slope and the UWS are in the same demographic as parents in Scarsdale, Great Neck and Garden City. Just as the merry men and women in reform have lost parents in Scarsdale, Great Neck and Garden City, they are losing parents in TriBeCa, Park Slope and the UWS. And with the post-Bloomberg DOE, who knows how they'll handle that uprising?
