Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Common Core Problems Just Like Obamacare Problems

From Politico:

Democrats have a general idea of what it would take to put the Obamacare rollout back on track. Fix the damn website, they say, and most of the other problems will take care of themselves.
Common Core proponents have a general idea of what a successful implementation of Common Core and the ancillary tests, curricula, and data collection will look like, but so far implementation has been a mess, the curriculum modules have been an embarrassment, the tests have been problematic (especially as the plummeting scores have revved up opposition from suburban parents) and the data collection project has brought together Tea Partiers and progressives to fight Big Brother using their kids data.

Obama and ACA supporters say success is right around the corner for Obamacare once they fix the website.

Can the same be said for Obamacore?

Is there one big fix that will make all the opposition go away.

I am doubtful there is that one big fix for either Obamacare or the Common Core.


  1. Obamacore. Same corporate friendly, people hostile paradigm. The guy is a one trick phoney,

    1. And he'll work Social Security and Medicare into that corporate friendly, people hostile paradigm if the Republicans give him half a chance. Obama's dying to sell those programs out as his last act.

  2. How bout impeachment?

    1. The Senate will never convict, even if the House voted to impeach him. Not worth the trouble - it doesn't even wreck a guy for post-presidency cash ins. Look at Clinton - somehow he's now worth $80 million dollars. When he was governor of Arkansas, he was worth just tens of thousands of dollars. Not bad, for a crook. And Obama will undoubtedly follow suit.
