Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Cuomo Warns Unions They Need A "Reality Adjustment"

Colby Hamilton at DNAinfo:

MIDTOWN — Gov. Andrew Cuomo warned the city’s municipal labor unions Tuesday that they should be prepared to signficantly manage expectations as they prepare to sit down and negotiate new contracts with soon-to-be-mayor Bill de Blasio.

While he praised the unions for their “superb” willingness to help the city during tight times in the past — most notably during the fiscal crisis of the 1970s — the governor said labor leaders need to be “realistic” in their demands amid the difficulties currently faced by the city.

“Going into the conversation, everyone needs a reality adjustment,” Cuomo said during an unrelated press conference at the Javits Center.

“The unions have understood that in the past and they've acted accordingly and my guess is that they will again.”

UFT members did not get the last 8% pattern raise.

The APPR teacher evaluation system and its ancillary rules have forced concessions from UFT members on ratings, observations, lesson planning, and work load.

This UFT member does NOT need a reality adjustment.

This UFT members needs the 8% raise he deserved as part of the old pattern and additional compensation for all the concessions made to APPR.

And there will be NO additional concessions in this contract to health care or pension, no additional days or time added.

This UFT member gave at the office already - that's the reality whether Sheriff Andy Cuomo cares to admit that or not.


  1. Maybe King Cuomo needs a reality check since he is living on Planet 1%.

    It's high time the 99% step up to offer that check to our elected officials.

  2. This union member wants to remind Cuomo that he is not the mayor of NYC and therefore he has no business dictating what should be going on at the bargaining table during contract negotiations. In other words, Cuomo needs to "Butt out!"

    1. Don't be surprised if he doesn't assert himself in negotiations. He likes to stick it to the unions. On a scary note, de Blasio has said he wants to use Cuomo's interactions with the unions as a model for his own.

  3. He kept his mouth shut while contracts were not renewed, why open it now?

    1. Because he wants to make sure we get nothing. He works for the plutocrats.

  4. Little DINO weasel and fascist creep. That's Cuomo!

  5. TeachmyclassMrMayor(andyoutooMrMulgrew)November 26, 2013 at 10:06 PM

    How come there is always talk of budget surplusses by Mayor McMoney, until of course, it is contract time? And what happened to that "4 & 4" that the Napleonic ego maniac was interviewed saying that "that money was already set aside". Mr. Mulgrew, basically both the mayor and governor, are counting on the fact, you are not done selling out your members.

    1. Yup - no money at contract time, always must be concessions. Aren't teachers caring enough for the kids to take a crap contract with extra work and concessions - that's how they always frame it.
