Thursday, February 13, 2014

Craig Allen: Worst Of The Snow To Come, No Time To "Play A Hero" (UPDATED - 7:20 AM)

Just heard Craig Allen on WCBS 880 that the worst of the storm is yet to come, we will be getting heavy bands of snow through late morning or early afternoon before the rain line finally hits the city.

He actually said this is no time to play a hero just because a boss, like the NYC school system, wants you in to work.

Allen is no hysteric and usually downplays hype around storms, so when he says the worst of the storm is yet to come, it's good to listen carefully.

Take care today.

UPDATED - 6:55 AM: Craig Allen just said the worst of the storm will be between the 6:00 AM and 12 PM hours - we are heading into the worst of the storm and this will be the worst time to be out in it. 

Hard to know with these coastal storms - forecasting them is dicey.

But Allen says we don't change over to freezing rain and rain in the city until about noon.

Then we turn back to snow later.

This is going to be a mess.

Again, good luck - getting in might not be the hard part.

Getting home might be.

UPDATED - 7:10 AM: Craig Allen says the radar shows the heaviest snows are about to hit the city, snow will come down at 2-3 inches an hour for the next few hours.

UPDATED - 7:20 AM: Craig Allen just said, if you feel the need to go in to work, now is not the time to go - wait until after 12 PM, when the precipitation changes over to rain.  We are going to get 2-3 inches an hour for the next couple of hours, Allen says, and this is the worst time to be traveling,

Alas, I am leaving in a few minutes because my chancellor and mayor would have it so.


  1. If Macy's is open, then schools should be open.....

  2. The most unpardonable sin in any factory is to shut down the line.

    1. BdB and Farina are laughing stocks on the Internet tonight. The line that may get shut down is their own. They had a rough day in the media, made all the rougher by the stupid stuff they said in their defense.

  3. Sick day! No reason to endanger yourself for a job.

  4. Yes, in our society Macy's and school are equal. As a matter of fact kindergartners (and older children too) shop for books right in their own classroom's leveled library. Teachers are instructed to use the word shop to train the little cuties to be consume oriented. Just like their parents who can call the DOE's customer service line. And let's not forget the 311 customer service line that Bloomberg created.

    One big box store society.

  5. I cancelled all my school visits and went to Macy's. I was shocked to see the store empty. A sales clerk looked at me and said "Damned if you do and damned if you don't." I had no idea what he meant. Then I saw a sign next to the prophylactics that read "Safety is our main priority."

  6. I teach five classes with 30 plus students in each class. I had a total of 21 students show up in all.

    1. I hope you taught five rigorous Common Core-based lessons. Our students cannot afford to lose even a moment of all that needed rigor.
