Thursday, April 3, 2014

PEF President Wants To See Someone From Left Primary Cuomo

Can you imagine anybody from the Mulgarten-controlled AFT/UFT (and perhaps soon to be NYSUT) saying anything like this?

The state Democratic and Working Families parties should find a primary challenger to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, the president of one of the state’s top public-employees unions said today.

Susan Kent, the president of the Public Employees Federation, said the Democratic governor hasn’t lived up to the ideals of the parties and should be challenged.

“I’m hopeful that the Democratic Party will come up with a primary candidate,” Kent told Gannett’s Albany Bureau. “I think that it’s important, especially in light of this budget, where progressive issues were really not pushed by the governor. I think it’s incumbent on the Democratic Party, the Working Families Party to come up with a primary challenger if they want to be true to the spirit of the parties.”

Kent’s comments are the latest sign of dissatisfaction by liberal groups and unions with Cuomo, who is seeking a second term in November.

Kent said she doesn’t expect the union, which has 55,000 members and is the second largest public-employee union in the state, to endorse Cuomo. She knocked the union’s prior leadership for backing Cuomo in 2010.

She said she doesn’t think “my members would be in any mood to endorse this governor.” She said she would be willing to talk to GOP candidate Rob Astorino.

Of course the UFT's Michael Mulgrew just bragged at last month's DA what a swell relationship he has with the union-hating, public school-hating Andrew Cuomo, so doubtful we'll hear anything from the UFT about primarying Cuomo.

But PEF's Kent seems to really want it:

Kent said she’s been talking to the AFL-CIO and the Working Families Party about taking on Cuomo.

“If we look at why the Working Families Party was founded, I’d say this should be job one for them right now,” Kent said. Cuomo’s “all about approval ratings. What we need to do is really tell the public what is going on here; what is a smoke screen.”

Meanwhile Mulgarten are looking to take over the NYSUT this weekend in the election and turn the leadership back into pro-Andy Cuomo shills. 

Isn't it time Mulgrew and Weingarten are sent packing to their post-union leadership StudentsFirst or Gates Foundation gigs like that former DC union guy and replaced with leadership that fights for the rank and file?


  1. Amen on your concluding remarks!

    1. Alas, doesn't seem it will ever happen, especially in UFT where they have the retiree votes in their laps.

  2. I am a NYC teacher but do not live in NY. How any teacher could possibly even consider voting for Cuomo is beyond my comprehension.

    1. I agree completely. And yet, I know teachers who voted for Bloomberg for a third term.

  3. I try very hard to email my colleagues and keep them abreast of the latest UFT give-aways and their endorsements of union-busting, charter-loving deformers. Unfortunately, only a few read my emails and a majority seems to think that by ignoring the political realities it will eventually will disappear.

    Then I realize that less than 30% of the rank-and-file voted in the UFT 2013 election. I see it this way. The only way the members will finally understand the setback by taking a "no involvement" action, which sadly brings forth more deterioration of union rights and public education from the likes of Cuomo and company, which includes Mulgarten, is when they see themselves losing their benefits, their pension, and their CBA rights.

    I truly hope that they start questioning the so-called "good relationship" that Mulgrew and Cuomo have especially since the governor has publicly shown his disdain for union teachers.

    1. Unfortunately Mulgrew and Randi look to be bringing that "good relationship" with Sheriff Andy back to the NYSUT and making sure the entire state gets screwed the way NYC teachers have.

  4. The problem/reality is that the majority of NYC teachers have less than 5 year or so on the job. They are not thinking "long term" and are not planning on staying in the profession long enough to collect a pension. Thus, they don't get think much about what is actually going on. Of course the UFT loves these part timers as they come and go but STILL PAY DUES. It does not matter to the UFT who is working in the trenches as long as they keep collecting the dues. The UFT does not want to rock the boat with Cuomo and that is why they are trying to endorse him. What a freaking shame. Back when I started teaching in NYC in the 90's I never would have thought this level of crap would happen. Maybe we will see a big wake up.

    1. So far, nothing. Tried mobilizing some teachers yesterday over contractual issues, but mostly got a ho-hum response. Now everyone is so burnt and cynical, it's hard to get any response at all. Which is of course how the powers that be want it.

  5. There is only one way to change the union. Help build a political internal machine capable of challenging Unity - I don't mean vote every 3 years - but become part of it by being an organizer for MORE in your school and beyond. It takes people power in the trenches -- to talk to the people you work with on a daily basis. Not every teacher will leave in less than 5 years though they are trying real hard to make that so. Who is trying real hard? Both the UFT and the DOE -- save, save. Dues are same for new teacher and vet. UFT gets 2 for one everytime a vet is forced out. UFT are not duped into not fighting charters -- they know they will get a little bone of a union they can remain in charge of even if it loses 10,000 members to charters over the next few years. They would rather run a shell of a union than be thrown out of officce by a vibrant union movement. Thus their role (Assigned?) is to divide and conquer and obfuscate every issue.

    1. I agree completely. Dive conquer and obfuscate. That's Weingarten's talent in particular. No one can look you in the eye and lie to you the way she can. No one - not even her pal, Bill Clinton.

  6. Chazz, I handed out MORE literature and discussed the MORE platform to my fellow teachers before the last election. The teachers in my school come to me about politcal/union questions instead of our chapter leader. (He is a nice guy but pretty clueless) I agree with you, the only way to change is from within.

    1. Glad to hear you're getting some traction. Is your CL Unity?

  7. I am a current member of Unity. However, after doing my research and watching and listening to the words of Mike "Sell-US-Down-A-River" Mulgrew, I am withdrawing my membership. I've only been a member for 3 years. I have not attended not one Caucus meeting nor paid any dues. I thought they would have kicked me out by now. Anyway, I attended the State Aid Conference day with the UFT in Albany. I was aware of the conflict brewing between Andy Pallotta and Dick Ianuzzi. So seeing them sit near each other on the stage at the greeting event that day was quite interesting. Michael Mulgrew stood up there ushering in Dean Skelos (Ugh!), Jeffrey Klein (sell-out), and Shelly Silver to talk to the UFT contingent. Mulgrew calling Skelos and Klein friends of the UFT...Really! If we have "friends" like this, who needs Enemies!!

    1. Thanks for sharing your story, BKNY Teach 18! We need to hear more from the Unity contingent folks who see this duplicity up close.

  8. In addition, Leroy Barr has been sending out emails basically telling delegates how to vote in the upcoming NYSUT elections this weekend. I am appalled and offended by those emails. I am an intelligent individual who reads! Not just the major mass media, I read blogs and books. I was a sociology major in college. Im not a Sheep! I can think for myself. However, it is reflective of the UFT leadership, To keep the membership ignorant to the "Truth"!

    1. Don't forget that Leroy sent an email blast for all Unity members to wear "pink" today at the RA. Shouldn't they wear the color of "shame"?

    2. That's right - as Norm said above, the leadership aims to divide, conquer and obfuscate in order to keep the status quo. And they're really, really good at it - at that , and at maintaining power.
