Monday, May 19, 2014

John Liu To Run Against Tony Avella In Primary

From Ken Lovett at the Daily News:

Former City Controller John Liu has decided to run for state Senate, a source close to him told the Daily News.

Liu, 47, will primary Queens Democrat incumbent Tony Avella, who angered party leaders earlier this year by joining a faction of breakaway Dems who jointly control the Senate with the GOP.
“This is John’s reemergence,” the source said. “He sees it as an opportunity to contribute.”

Confident mainline Dems believe a Liu victory could help them reclaim control of the chamber--or at the very least weaken the Republican-dissident Dem majority coalition.

The Queens Democratic party, which had been courting Liu, is set Monday to designate him as their candidate so his name can appear on party nominating petitions circulated in the district.

He has already met with key union leaders and hired consultant Neal Kwatra, a former chief of staff to Attorney General Eric Schneiderman with deep union ties.

A Liu candidacy means two members of the five-member breakaway Democratic faction are facing primaries from traditional Democrats this year.

In addition to Avella, Senate co—Leader Jeffrey Klein (D-Bronx) is being challenged by former state Attorney General Oliver Koppell.

Liu is a prodigious fundraising while Avella in January reported having less than $3,000 on hand.
The influential online progressive group, the Daily Kos, which is helping raise money for Koppell, has said it might do the same for Liu if he enters the race.

Some of the best news I've heard in a while - Liu running against Avella with Queens Democratic Party backing.

If Liu can knock off Avella and Koppell can knock off Klein, that would go a long way toward sending a message to corporate Dems and Governor Andrew Cuomo.


  1. Surprised by Avella. I liked him, but Democrats are not only being wiped out here, but across the country by this new Democratic party. Candidates don't stand much for anything, and not helping candidates they know are the best choices. Hillary and Bill have a great relationship with Nan Rich, but have yet to come out and campaign for her in Florida even though Crist has publically stated he would support Jeb for president and will not debate Rich. But Crist also has an economic advantage. It makes a person think twice before entering politics.

    1. Got more coming on this soon. It will be interesting to see where Avella gets his $ from since the Queens Dems say they will back Liu. And Liu was always a good fundraiser anyway (that little finance scandal notwithstanding.) So I think Liu has a really good shot to take Avella down. We'll see.

  2. Used to respect Avella here on the local level.The lack of support he got from the QC Dem establishment in the mayoral and BP races apparently doured him and opened him to thst IDC crap.At this point he's damaged goods. Liu on the other hand, while not fully unscathed is certainly a pretty formidable option.While its only one seat, a piece here and a piece in the Boogue Down...

    1. Yeah, that's a good point about the Queens Dem establishment not liking him from the beginning and maybe making him more amenable to the IDC. Still, hoping Liu can take him out. That will make the next Dem defector think twice.
