Sunday, July 27, 2014

Andrew Cuomo Held Hostage: Day Seven

It's been seven days since Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has been seen in in public, five days since the NY Times published its expose on Cuomo's Moreland Commission machinations:
For all out there wondering when the governor might finally resurface post-Times/Moreland story, this news broke this morning:

Key word for the Cuomo appearance is that it's "tentatively" scheduled.

There has been some conjecture on Twitter on when the UB appearance was first scheduled and whether it's still on or not.

One thing we know is, whether Cuomo makes an appearance at UB tomorrow or shows up somewhere else, that appearance will be tightly controlled and press access limited.

Cuomo already has the rep of making sure nothing gets asked that he doesn't want asked at his public appearances.

You can bet post-Times/Moreland that he will double down on that tight control.

After staying out of sight for seven straight days, what Cuomo most wants is to make an appearance and get the "In Hiding" and "Cuomo Held Hostage" memes off the Internet.

But he wants to do this while making sure he has to answer nothing of substance at whatever public appearance he makes.

1 comment:

  1. Well. you can be certain that if he surfaces in Buffalo, he will be asked "nothing of substance".
