Monday, July 28, 2014

Cuomo Says Moreland Commission Was "A Phenomenal Success"

Matthew Hamilton at Capitol Confidential:

Throughout the back-and-forth with Buffalo and limited Albany media, Cuomo stuck to his guns and didn’t waver from his stance that the commission was a success and that there wasn’t interference from his office; rather, conversations and dialogue were just that.

“The Moreland Commission was a phenomenal success,” Cuomo said. “It generated all sorts of interest in the behavior of the Legislature. It brought all sorts of cases that have actually come to fruition. And it was, I believe the stimulus to get the ethics reform passed that we got passed. And the ethics reform bill is great.”


The governor said the panel accomplished what it was set out to do: help devise new stronger ethics laws.

Cuomo said the commission took guidance from many people, held hearings and spoke to the Senate, Assembly and Executive Chamber.

“No one ever said they shouldn’t be talking to people or get advice or consultation from people. They should be independent,” he said. “And the co-chair today says, ‘I was 100 percent independent. I made the decisions. Did I talk to people? Or course I talked to people. It would be unintelligent not to talk to people. But I made all the decisions.’”

Earlier Monday morning, commission Co-Chair William Fitzpatrick, the Onondaga County district attorney, sent out a three-page statement defending the commission, his role in the commission and the governor’s handling of the commission.

Cuomo said the best example of independence was Fitzpatrick deciding to send a subpoena the second floor did not want the commission to send. The New York Times detailed to a subpoena sent to an media-buying firm that initially was withdrawn at the behest of the governor’s office but later went out anyway.

Various Twitter commentators pointed out problems with Cuomo's statements today:

Short of it is, Cuomo made sure there is no video of the back and forth with reporters over Moreland, so he doesn't have to worry about this showing up on the evening news.

And we remain with a scandal that involves no hookers, no bridge closures, and no state troopers being used for political payback.

Thus, Cuomo hopes the political waters are muddied enough that this doesn't hurt him much politically in November.

Of course, none of that matters to US Attorney Preet Bharara and what he's looking at in his investigation.

And as was pointed out:

I think that's where this is right now.

Cuomo muddying the political waters as best he can but unable to do much about the criminal justice side of things.

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