Sunday, October 19, 2014

Here's A Teacher Who Should Be Rubber-Roomed

In the middle of this extraordinary New York Daily News piece explaining why Congressman Michael Grimm - the guy who threatened to throw a NY1 reporter off the balcony of the Capitol and is facing a 20-count indictment for corruption - is likely to win re-election from his Staten Island constituents is this:

Many said they thought Grimm showed nothing more than understandable frustration when he threatened Michael Scotto of NY1, after Scotto asked Grimm about the federal investigation of him.

“At least he gave (the reporter) a warning,” said Judy Psaotas, 49, a waitress at the Annadale Terrace Diner. “I would have just thrown him off.”

Psaotas was among several voters interviewed who appear to connect with Grimm on a visceral level.
I don’t like anybody, and I like him,” Psaotas said. “That’s not just because of the way he looks, because God knows, he is eye candy. I think he’s a man first. Before a politician, he’s a man.”

A 37-year-old teacher having breakfast at the diner put it more bluntly: “He’s bang-able,” she giggled, adding that she planned to vote for him.

The guy who threatened to toss NY1 reporter Michael Scotto off the Capitol balcony and faces 20 corruption counts deserves re-election because he's "bang-able"?

Anybody who says something like this is clearly too stupid to be in a classroom with children.

I'm only sort of kidding here.

Sort of.

In any case, it's beginning to look like the Bay Ridge/Staten Island area is going to re-elect a Congressman with violent tendencies who is facing a 20-count indictment and a State Senator under investigation for corruption by US attorney Preet Bharara.

Well, I guess in the end, most politicians are corruptible and contemptible.

In this Bay Ridge/Staten Island district, they're just more open about that and voters are okay with it all.

I guess that's nice.

Not sure it's "bang-able" though.


  1. I read this blog from time to time just to remind myself how lucky I am to not take this teaching profession of mine to serious. I go in, make my hundred grand or more, then come home and don't waste a moment thinking of the hundreds of things I could question. I don't think about my illiterate principal and his semi retarded AP. Don't think about the dumb kids who are in my 11th grade English classes with reading levels below my elementary daughters'. Don't think about the ridiculous paperwork that no one really collects at my school. Don't need to think about much. If I want to know why people care so much for no reason, I can just read this or other blogs and feel happy as I don't have the stress as most. It's all a joke and this system is a FARSE. I could care less. Now, back to the NFL.

  2. 19yrs as a teacher and I do the same. I tried to help for the first 8-10 yrs but now I don't care

  3. I am in year 13....and to be honest...I could careless....nobody in this system....students...parents...admins..fellow teachers...could give a damn about me....why should I give a damn about them...I do the bare minimum...get my effective...and keep it moving.

  4. I haven't given up after 14 year. I have a child with autism. I don't take sills sets for granted or blow off what needs to be accomplished. I understand what it is we as teachers are fighting for. the interdependence of a normal and better life for all people. Teaching is a lifestyle not just a regular 9-5 job. You have to want to live it just like as if you were planning of being a military veteran.
    I am not great just willing. I haphazardly tutor and teach kids math strategies that are doing home work while I wait for my daughter at gymnastics. I even try to point out numbers, letter and sounds to strangers kids I grocery stores. I do what I can. I have to keep balance and that is super difficult. My regular parents and even some of my students never seem to appreciate the effort, time, or materials or anything, I put into everything.
    School administrators pick everything apart everything teachers do and generally, are ruthless political hacks that go along with what ever political tend and edu-whore speak they can muster. They are always trying to use trendy edu-words to make themselves look connected trendy and up to date. All I can say to that is " That is so Fetch", as quoted from the movie Mean Girls. They usually do for what ever is popular for the moment with the school district. It's always funding issues and they always use words that include the excuse as " it's for the kids," without really meaning it. They are masters at justifying BS. However, for a great friendly, forthcoming and honest administrator I am willing to go 2 or 3 extra miles, However for jerks... you get what you put into my emotional account, there is just so my of my heart then can bare the shredding.
    I been told by other staff member though, I am too scary to administrators, since I read everything and can debate what is in the best interest of children well. I feel sorry for the posters above... I know some administrator killed them somewhere along the line. I know politicians usually blow off teaching professional too for teaching theorist and are driven by big corporate campaign ( bribes) rather then what is right for all children in our regular public schools. The issue at hand is poverty and has always been so. the lesser and barely regulated and exploding charter schools will not fix that fact. Politicians look for the quick fixes and votes based on rhyming slogans and quips. They fail to understand to long term implication of their Fascist tendencies. They are not considering what the needs of children are and what is best for a democratic, constitution loving society.
