Thursday, January 29, 2015

Regents Grading

Off to trudge in the dark and the cold to some far-away school for the Regents grading extravaganza.

The snow threw a monkey wrench into some of the grading and there will be a lot of pressure on teachers to get these tests graded by Sunday so that the Spring Semester can start on time.

In comments, let everybody know what's going on at your grading site, how the site directors are handling things, how the grading is being handled.


  1. Teachers grading the English Regents should not allow themselves to be guilt-tripped today and tomorrow if they don't want to stay late for grading, since, weather notwithstanding, any delay is completely the fault of the DOE and SED.

    It is their arbitrariness and distrust of teachers that will have caused any delays that might ensue, since if we were allowed to grade exams in our own schools - as charter school teachers are allowed to do, and as social studies teachers will be doing for the Global History Regents - we'd already be well on our way to finishing.

    As for me, come 3:20, I'm gone, headed to 52 Broadway to hear Mulgrew dissemble and play-act the tough guy, as he preps the teachers he misrepresents and misleads for the next round of betrayals.

  2. Mike,
    As you and everybody in the system knows, chancellors, administrators, and teachers conspired for decades in scrubbing Regents exams, which is a crime. Even OSI and SCI investigators were complicit and corrupt. Farina herself helped to cover-up Regents cheating at the Cobble Hill School of American Studies with the help of SCI guy Richard Condon. So please, stop the pretense that teachers should correct their own students exams. You know better, even if Norm Scott doesn't.

    1. Phillip,
      I find your comment really quite offensive, not every teacher is dishonest. I can honestly say I have never "scrubbed" my final exams or any exam, in almost 20 years of teaching. It is people like you that generalize and try to justify this insane level of control that our governor and his henchmen are forcing on all teachers in Public Schools. I wonder, do Charters have to swap out exams or are they exempt from that also?!

    2. Charter high schools grade their own Regents exams.

    3. Thank you for the verification, reality based educator!

  3. What a stroke of genius for Micheal Mulgrew to schedule the "emergency" DA on Regents week, when the radicalized HS teachers are detained in late proctoring or scoring.

    1. Probably more a reaction to the Silver arrest last week - the strategy was to have Silver negotiate 50% test component to 30%, get the increase of charters down. But now Silver's gone from power, new speaker (looks like Heastie) will not have the same juice with the conference that Silver had. Hard to know how it all plays out - a fractured conference could e harder for Cuomo to control than one that Silver controlled.. In the end, if Silver made a deal, it would pass. But now - maybe not? We'll see...

    2. Oops - that should read "the strategy was to have Silver negotiate 50% test component to 40%."

  4. To Anonymous 5:01:
    I did not say that "every teacher is dishonest." I wrote that "As [Mike Fiorillo] and everybody in the system knows, chancellors, administrators, and teachers conspired for decades in scrubbing Regents exams." I'm glad that you never scrubbed, but surely you know that other teachers in your grading rooms did. And did you blow the whistle? If not, why not?

    I can honestly say I have never "scrubbed" my final exams or any exam, in almost 20 years of teaching. It is people like you that generalize and try to justify this insane level of control that our governor and his henchmen are forcing on all teachers in Public Schools. I wonder, do Charters have to swap out exams or are they exempt from that also?!

  5. Phillip Nobile,
    I can honestly say with a clear conscious that I never scrubbed, nor did I ever see a colleague scrub a exam.
    I have worked all over the state of NY, in several districts for almost 20 years. I had nothing to blow the whistle on. Your comments are upsetting because what you are putting out there about a small minority that scrub exams, hurts the rest of us that never had reason to do such a thing.. We were busy doing the right thing, the right way. Comments like your hurt teachers, I think we are unpopular enough right now. Please don't respond anymore, I think you get my point.

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