Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Mulgrew And The UFT To Blame For The Cuomo Deform Budget

A lot of teachers are waking up to the news that they have been stripped of their permanent certification and tenure protections and are subject to a odious new evaluation system that will be designed by the same incompetent bureaucrats who rolled out the mess that is Common Core and gave a liar named "Dr" Ted J. Morris Jr., MA, Ph.D, MSW a charter school.

A lot of teachers are wondering just who to blame for the shiv that got stuck into them last night.

Fingers are pointing at Cuomo, of course, because he pushed these reforms and ensured they would be in the budget.

Fingers are also pointing at Assembly Dems who, with "heavy hearts," passed this budget laden with education reforms into law, all the while claiming it was the best they could do:

And while it's useful to let pols like Glick know that her sellout will live long in the memory of individual teachers, the truth is, she doesn't care about individual teachers any more than Cathy Nolan, Assembly Education Committee chair, or Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie care about us.

That's because Mike Mulgrew and the UFT gave Assembly Dems the okay to sell us out:

ALBANY — State lawmakers raced to finish work on New York’s budget Tuesday amid simmering resentment over Gov. Cuomo’s education reforms - which opened up an unusual rift between the city and state teachers’ unions.


City teacher union president Michael Mulgrew angered NYSUT President Karen Magee and her team after he put out a statement Sunday night - before the education bill was even in print- claiming victory in beating back some of Cuomo's more strident proposals, sources said.

While Magee urged lawmakers to reject the education measures, city lawmakers said they were told by Mulgrew's team that voting for the package would not be held against them.

"They just weren't on the same page," said one legislator of the two unions. "The issue between them was whether to strike the best deal they could or whether to oppose it outright."

Make no mistake, had the UFT joined with NYSUT and opposed passage of this budget because of the odious education reform provisions in it, many of the Dems who voted "yes" on the budget last night with "heavy hearts" would have had to think twice before casting an "aye" vote.

But Mulgrew told these sellout Dems not to worry about their betrayal, that the UFT understood and it was okay.

I suggest you vent your frustration at sellouts like Heastie, Nolan and Glick today by calling them at all their offices, emailing them and countering their self-serving jive on Twitter the way I did with Glick.

But you need to call the UFT and let them know that you hold Mulgrew and the UFT leadership ultimately responsible for this disaster.

It was reported that Mulgrew took the lead over Magee and NYSUT in "negotiating" the reforms that would end up in the budget.

Mulgrew declared "victory" on Sunday claiming the lack of merit pay and the hold on the charter cap were "wins" for teachers.

Alas, merit pay actually is in the budget, along with the loss of tenure, permanent certification and an insane new evaluation system developed by the hostile teacher-haters at SED, and the charter cap will be raised later in the legislative session.

Finally, Mulgrew refused to oppose the budget and the reforms in it in any meaningful way, giving Assembly Dems all the cover they needed to stick the shivs into teachers and public schools.

To be sure, this is Cuomo's "reformy" budget - but it couldn't have been done so easily had Mike Mulgrew and the UFT not helped him.

Ultimately, teachers need to blame the UFT for selling them out.


  1. Magee only got the nysut gig because of Randi/Mulgrew tossing out Iannucci. A puppet is a puppet is a puppet - she couldn't have expected anything less --

    1. Of course. UFT is the real power in the state, which is why Assembly Dems listened to Mulgrew and not Magee.

  2. This is a sick April Fools Day joke, right?

  3. Jeff Klein is a sellout.

  4. Once you realize Mulgarten and Magoo are working against teachers not for us everything falls into place and it all makes sense. Any pedagogue still laboring under the delusion that these suckhole collaborators are working for teachers will be consigned to a life of windmill tilting. These are the same assholes who raise fists in the air with Weingrovel to comdemn CCSS's rollout not CCSS's existence. The same ones who think CCSS and testing can be unlinked and the same ones who agree that there are a lot of different opinions on CCSS among teachers. Weingrovel and Mulgarten are bottom feeders and Magoo is their pet koi. This whole bunch works towards the destruction of public education and teacher livelihoods every day with nothing but dreams of their own advancement in mind.

  5. How will principals be evaluated? I read this blog too!, I must admit.

  6. IThe bottom line is that when the recession hit in 2008 city and state govs went broke and into the billions in deficit. So, money becomes the ruling factor in decision making to prevent the nightmare which occurred in 2008 recession. The real truth or sadness is that the educational system of NYC will suffer terribly now, with the on onslaught of really good experienced teachers and good young teachers. The consequences will be down the road. However, I believe governments have decided that the population of the US is changing and we are receiving a huge influx of immigrants fleeing from just about every part of the world imaginable. These people come here with their hands out as the phrase "everything's free in a merica" waves through the ears of millions around the world. So, the numbing down of the US beat continues and best of luck to all

    1. There is no place for immigrant-bashing fascism among decent people. btw fu

    2. Its people like you in this system which is why the educational field is being destroyed btw gafy and go back

  7. RBE,
    You didn't tie this whole mess to one key component. The Retro pay. We will see the first 12.5% in October. After we skip a year with Zero %. Then in late 2017, we see the second 12.5%. Do you know how many "ineffective" teachers will never see their 25%, 25%, and 25% till 2020? A BUNCH!!!!

  8. When it comes to Mulgrew, where does the incompetence end, and the corruption begin?

  9. No seriously, is there a vote a particular year for a new caucus other than Unity, or do they just keep going, etc?

  10. If you have any doubt that the AFT leadership is working for the other side, read this:

  11. No one ever votes and if they did, the fix is in for Unity.


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  14. If the Govt. is making any policy regarding teachers reform than the Govt. must work on reservations that the teachers have. It's much necessary before making any policy.
