Saturday, May 2, 2015

Cuomo's Evaluation System: A Disaster In Motion

Harris Lirtzman left this comment about Cuomo's evaluation system deadline that allows for no public comment period:

Sometimes you really do need to let a disaster-in-motion play itself out to its inevitable, disastrous, immolating conclusion.

Parents will rise up. Teachers will rise up. But, really, parents have learned the power of their voice and they will be heard, "comment period" or none.

I think the faster this thing gets shoved into place, the better.

The only thing better than a half-assed punitive evaluation system imposed upon the state without parent/teacher support is a half-assed punitive evaluation system imposed upon the state without parent/teacher support based upon an unrealistic and artificial deadline.

And remember, unlike the half-assed Common Core implementation, which Cuomo was able to blame the Regents and SED for, this APPR system is wholly his own.

He owns the system, he owns the deadline, he owns the problems.


  1. I love it!!!! This is so hysterical to see unfolding. No one, literally no one, knows what's going on. It's hysterical!!!!!!! This is the year 2015 in the USA, and it's a total mess. You want to compare to European countries and the Far East? Fuhgeddabowdit!!!!!!

  2. Bernie Sanders
    Elizabeth Warren
    Zephyr Teachout
    Stronger Together Caucus

    Let's turn this mother out!

  3. We are a nation in decline.

    The one percent thinks this can go on forever. Maybe it can with the lack of critical thinking skills, submission, and awareness of the population.

  4. I know it's kind of off topic, but it isn't as it is indicative of the total takeover of what used to be our country by corporate. Are we paying attention to the attempted fast track of the Trans Pacific Partnership by our president? Are we aware of the radical and detrimental changes this "partnership" will reek on our society?

    RTTT was NCLB on steroids. TPP will be NAFTA on steroids, IF THIS IS ALLOWED TO PASS.

    Obama likes to do things in a big way, for corporate America....

  5. I just finished reading about TPP so thanks to the previous poster for informing us. What stands out is once again the secrecy. I keep reading again and again about secret agreements, laws that are passed secretly, secret this and secret that. Outrageous and definitely smells like a dictatorship. Another thing that stands out about TPP is that once again, the Super Rich are controlling economic activity, political activity, they're doing it secretly, they're keeping the honest politicians out of the talks, they're not discussing it in the news, and ultimately the agreement if it succeeds will benefit the Super Rich and damage the middle and working classes. I frankly don't think that we as middle class are doing anywhere near enough to bring these issues to the public's attention nor are we doing anything to stop it. When will someone get serious about striking back. After all there are more of us and we live in the internet age where we can form Coalitions relatively quickly and easily. Our government is being taken over by the Super Rich as we speak and type. It's happening everywhere and in every aspect of society. Did you know that in NYS there is Eminent Domain Abuse going on? In Brooklyn, Queens, and Manhattan, the wealthy are grabbing land in 60 block chunks and forcing current owners out with no recourse? They don't even allow you to speak at the hearings, they just tell you what they will do and then it's a done deal. NYS Laws allow this because our State officials never closed the loopholes that would stop them.
    I also am sorry to digress, but we are only focusing on the schools and in the meantime, they are taking over the whole country. At the very least, we should start to watch, listen, and learn. I am sick and tired of seeing and hearing about stories where our laws are not protecting us. We need to stop the ruling class!

    1. Glad to see I'm not the only one keeping abreast about the TPP, as well as this education mess being created by no other entity but the corporate elite - let's face it, our government has become nothing more than a pass-through vehicle, a bunch of talking heads w/no brains (or balls for that matter), a bunch of puppets with their hands out begging for money from corporate elites whom we stupid consumers keep funding by buying their crap and thereby giving them more free speech than we can ever dream of having. And what do they do w/their free speech (.i.e., their open access to our politicians)? They use it to destroy the democracy our forefathers built with the blood, sweat and tears of our ancestors. The secret TPP and Fast Track are going change our country forever. There will no longer be citizens of nations in our world, only inputs to the biggest corporate machine the mind could ever imagine. In the TPP, laws of nations are currently being usurped by corporate language which will allow corporations to sue governments if those governments put into place any laws or regulations (environmental, health, workplace safety, etc.) that could potentially threaten a corporation's future profits. Yes, corporations will be able to sue our government based on future (albeit, unknown) profits!!!!!! This is not hyperbole - search for the TPP and read the leaked document. Too bad the citizenry can't sue corporations for their future health issues, our environmental degradation or most importantly the future loss of our democracy.

  6. While ‘my lord’ is lolling in bed, with four liveried footmen serving his chocolate and the peasants starving outside, somewhere in the forest a tree is growing which will presently be sawn into planks for the platform of the guillotine

  7. Ah haha haaa haaaaaaa ha!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! Let's try this, let's try that. Fuck it, no one gives a shit and for the parents in Scarsdake that actually do, FUCK THEM TOO!!!!!

  8. Not sure what the post above is supposed to mean, other than to express the unfortunate ignorance of most people. There is something huge going on in, as I said before, what used to be our country. That tree needs to grow quickly.
    Guillotine yes, but we need to have law enforcement on the side of the 99%.

    1. And the army. What should we call the Coalition to eject the billionaires from our democratic system? How does The Freedom from Tyrrany Coalition or Sons and Daughters of Liberty sound?
