Wednesday, May 13, 2015

If Preet Can Makes Cases Against Silver And Skelos, He Can Make One Against Cuomo

NT2 Blog:

Here’s the bottom line: If he could make cases against Silver and Skelos, he surely can make one against Cuomo. Think about it – Cuomo raised more than $60 million over the last six years. Nobody raises that much without having, at a minimum, appearance problems. And then there’s the way Cuomo and his top people have conducted themselves. No, none of them personally profited, but did they make dubious deals to get things done? Did they look the other way on things when it had utility to do so? Did they employ all manner of leverage on lawmakers? Of course they did. These are people for whom the ends (many times very good ends) justify the means.

Preet, most likely, will make a case against the Governor. And it won’t matter one bit that the Governor recently lost his father and that his woman has cancer. Preet simply doesn’t care.

Preet apparently believes that the only way things will really change in Albany is if all the leaders are taken out and there’s a fresh start. Ironically, just like Cuomo, the means don’t seem to matter to him. Personal costs don’t matter. Nor does the fact there’ll be disruption. The only thing that matters is the outcome. And maybe Preet is right. Maybe this has to happen to finally clean up state government.

I've been saying there's an awful lot of smoke around Cuomo for a while now.

But I'm a Cuomo-hater, so of course I'm pre-disposed to see things that way.

Whoever is behind the NT2 blog is not a Cuomo-hater.

In fact, the blog has been symathetic to Cuomo in the past.

If NT2 blog has decided that Preet could make a case against Cuomo, that's an interesting development in the conventional wisdom.

I know many Perdido Street School blog readers are not confident that Preet's going to take out Cuomo.

I understand why.

Cuomo does the work of Wall Street and those guys like it when they have politicians in office they can count on to do what they want.

But Cuomo's not the only pol who can carry their water.

Kathy Hochul, the lieutenant governor, is a former bank lobbyist.

You can bet she'll carry their water too.

I'm starting to think they'll not blink if Cuomo's taken out.

Hell, Silver and Skelos both went down and were easily replaced by second string crooks who picked right up where Silver and Skelos left off.

The same can happen if Cuomo's taken down.

None of this means that Preet will take out Cuomo, of course..

But it looks like that rumor is starting to circulale Albany, just the way rumors about Skelos swirled around before we got the Times leak about the grand jury.

Just something to keep an eye on.


    this bill is interesting -- no mandatory independent evaluator

  2. Cuomo's meat...

  3. What do you think of the idea of a teachers' "summer strike" where teachers withhold their 'voluntary' summer school teaching labor? Statewide? National? Local? Do you think the idea has potential?
