Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Chris Christie Approval Rating Hits Bottom - 30% Approval, 55% Disapproval

From Politico:

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is still not winning any favor with Garden State voters, according to a Fairleigh Dickinson PublicMind poll released Tuesday.

Christie, who is in the midst of planning a presidential run, has an approval rating of 30 percent, below what is usually expected for a White House hopeful in his own state, where 55 percent disapprove of his performance. His numbers are down from the last FDU poll in April, in which 36 percent of voters approved of the job he was doing, compared to 50 percent who did not.

Christie now has a lower approval rating than another GOP presidential candidate, Bobby Jindal.

Jindal's rating was 32% in a May 2015 poll.

30% approval, 55% disapproval, but he's still running for president.


After a few months of running for president, his New Jersey approval rating should fall into the twenties.


  1. The actual approval of your constituency used to have some meaning.

    Thats over. The metrics of winning an election these days and maintaining power for that matter, have little to do with approval. Stop assuming we live in some kind of democracy.

    I'm not saying approval means 0, but its not a huge thing.
    It really just keeps those of us with a dog in the fight against them fluffed up. That and alcohol.

  2. Looks like Trump is ahead of him Maybe Christie can be a contestant on Trump's show.

  3. Looks like Trump is ahead of him Maybe Christie can be a contestant on Trump's show.
