Thursday, September 10, 2015

NYSUT Pushback On APPR Is Meaningless Without Accountability For Pols Who Vote For Cuomo Reforms

From Liz Benjamin at State of Politics:

The Regents are scheduled to meet next week (Sept. 16-17) to, among other things, vote on the emergency regulations establishing the new evaluation system, which is largely (though not entirely) based on the results of Common Core tests from which a whopping 20 percent of students opted out this year – with NYSUT’s urging and support.

NYSUT has set up an email and fax campaign so its members can bombard the Regents with letters between now and next week, urging them to “do everything in your power to stop the over-testing of students and end the insane practice of evaluating educators based on a single standardized test.”

Nick Reisman at State of Politics writes that NYSUT is also putting together a Campbell Brown protest:

The New York State United Teachers union plans to stage a formal protest of former CNN anchor Campbell Brown’s appearance at the Business Council’s annual meeting on Sept. 16.
At the same time, the statewide union is urging state lawmakers in a letter to not attend the meeting, including the opening reception and dinner that Brown, a vocal proponent of the education reform movement, is expected to attend.
“We ask that you cancel any plans to attend the opening reception and dinner of the New York State Business Council Annual meeting, and stand with public school students, parents and educators,” NYSUT wrote in a letter to state lawmakers, obtained by Capital Tonight. “Please support our great public schools, students and educators and do not cross this picket line.”
In the letter — which was signed by both NYSUT Vice President Andy Pallotta and Alliance for Quality Education Executive Director Billy Easton — Brown is billed as someone who opposes “full funding of our public schools, promote high stakes testings and supports the continued privatization of public schools.”

The letter writing campaign and protests are all well and good, but so long as there are no political prices to be paid by lawmakers who vote with "heavy hearts" for the Cuomo education reform agenda, there isn't much tangible effect to this stuff.

When Mulgrew told Assembly Heavy Hearts that there would be no price paid for voting "Aye" on the Cuomo education reform agenda in the last budget, the message was sent:

Don't worry - we don't really mean it when we say we're fighting against the Cuomo education reform agenda.


  1. I am interested in push-back and accountability for NYSUT leadership. When can we have a full-throated, sustained and meaningful conversation about holding NYSUT leadership accountable for the past year, past decade, of the worst labor leadership in American history?????? I mean this.

    Taking back the only real apparatus available to us for a sustained, meaningful voice to counter corporate-political power is truly the most meaningful and real first-step we can have in fighting the reformers' onslaught.

    2 days ago, at our first union meeting, we were handed a sheet breaking down our local's financial details. On it were breakdowns of our dues and where they go. NYSUT and AFT were the biggest chunks by far. I do not want my money going to support the leadership in place in any way. There is no "good" that will come of it. NYSUT has shown, time and again, that their actions and campaigns only succeed in providing for ever-larger victories for the Cuomo/Reformer side. These people would F up a wet dream. Their fingerprints on anything always leads to us losing. The operating philosophies, thinking, assumptions, ideas, strategies, and tactics that guide and emerge from NYSUT leadership are all half-assed, toxic, misguided, shallow, and fundamentally flawed.

    NYSUT is part of teachers' problems in NY State.
    McGee and the leadership team at NYSUT specifically are part of teachers' problems in NY state.
    Weingarten is part of teachers' problems nationally.
    Etc Etc Etc.

    We can only fight the reformers once we fight our first problem.

  2. The last time that the teachers of NYS REALLY took a stand was in the late 1960s/Early 1970s. I remember that my 4th grade teacher actually lay down at the entrance to my elementary school bus circle to prevent buses from entering! I remember that later on, one of my junior HS English teachers was jailed for supporting a local teacher strike and encouraging teachers to walk off their jobs in violation of the Taylor Law. Why do I bring this up?

    It is time that teachers across this state make a stand. All the VOTE/COPE $$$ in the world does NOTHING. Last November we took a trouncing because we were simple outspent by the charter school-hedge fund backed politicos who turned their back on our teachers and public schools.

    If Albert Shanker were still alive he would advocate that NOW is the time for teachers to make a stand. Force the issue. Call out Cuomo, Tisch and Elia. Force the issue. Make the headlines and let's take back this state. I am sick and tired of NYSUT and the likes of the UFT and AFT who have all been bought out.

    Time to revolt.

    1. Albert Shanker is as big of a reason as any as to why the UFT/NYSUT/AFT is the way it is.

    2. I agree...I think he would be snitching on every rank and file radical we have

  3. Randi gave our Union support to Hillary.
    I can predict with high reliability that Hillary will lose based on our Union endorsement.

  4. Randi's endorsement made Hillary unelectable.

  5. I am glad comments are starting to get real. My friends in Seattle have the right idea. What the f**k are we waiting for, New York? Get a clue. Strikes *never* get called from above; always from rank and file. Now, would seem the time to do something statewide. Moral is at an all-time low. Teachers leaving in droves, nationwide, and in New York. Can't get new teachers. And these corrupt politicians don't give a sh*t if everyone is against them, b/c the donors will buyout opponents. . . Unless we flip the script by agitating and forcing the issue. Statewide job actions! NOW!!!!

  6. Mike Mulgrew is a useless turd.
    Karen Magee is a useless turd.
    Randi is a useless turd.

    To quote Adrian Balboa....YOU CAN'T WIN!

    Hey RBE, when will you comment about that pilot student survey which counts for 5% of our APPR! Another useless part of that evaluation plan!

  7. The survey doesn't count. I signed my APPR final rating. Had no survey in it.
