Saturday, November 28, 2015

Detroit Sees Flurry Of Mid-Year Departures From Teachers

Gee, here's a shock - Detroit's got a teacher recruitment/retention problem:

Three months into the school year, Detroit Public Schools is facing a teacher shortage and also seeing what union officials say seems like an unprecedented number of midyear retirements and resignations.

In early November, there were at least 170 teaching vacancies. DPS spokesman Michelle Zdrodowski said Wednesday that the number has been reduced to 135 by reorganizing some teaching assignments based on enrollment numbers from the fall student count day.

The shortage has pushed other academic staff, such as instructional specialists and school service assistants, into teaching roles. About 115 substitutes have been assigned to fill empty spots.

The problem isn't new. In late September 2014, there were more than 100 vacancies.

The problem is expected to get worse because of some vaunted new education reforminess coming down the pike:

Teachers are facing an expected spike in health care costs and heightened uncertainty about the future of the district itself. Gov. Rick Snyder has proposed sweeping education reforms for Detroit that could potentially take effect in 2016.

Those factors — plus stagnant pay — have pushed some teachers who were on the fence about retiring to finally take the plunge, said Patrick Falcusan, financial analyst and retirement counselor for the Detroit Federation of Teachers union.

"Virtually every day, somebody calls me and wants to quit or retire," he said. "A number of teachers aren't coming back after Christmas.

"What is driving this is the concern (about education reforms) and whether the new school district is going to be part of the retirement system. Some people just want to get out while there's still a DPS, while there's still an HR department, while there's still a payroll department to process stuff."

Starting salary as a DPS teacher is $36,683.

Teachers haven't gotten a salary step increase since 2011-2012.

And soon they'll be paying more for their health care and perhaps losing their pension benefits.

I can't imagine why teachers would be leaving, retiring, resigning, etc.


  1. Detroit must be a lot like the Bronx. As an ATR this is my third school. The first one 3 teachers quit, in September! Second one, one teacher. The one I'm in now, a teacher told me she leaving for good at Christmas. I never, ever remember teachers quitting in the beginning of the year. Something is terribly wrong.

  2. How very, very shocking!

    1. It is shocking. When you multiply those numbers across the hundreds (thousands?) of schools in NYC it is a significant indicator. In my 25 years of experience, I never saw a teacher quit in the beginning or middle of the year.

  3. I only remember one teacher quitting before the holidays in my 16 years of teaching. She was a Fellow. Actually, I know quite a few Fellows who quit midyear. Most made it to the holiday break.



    1. That guy targeted and harassed veteran teachers until they retired or were brought to a 3020a. And yeah the UFT know all about it, including today's story and did nothing.

  5. Typical teacher day - 6 periods, meeting through lunch, lesson planning, grading and sceduler until 10. Then Saturday classes and after school teaching until 5. Then untenured teachers are forced to do summer school. As an ATR, I know 3 teachers who left to become cops and one who left in September to go to a charter school. I asked her why and she told me at least they get rid of the discipline problems and don't allow cell phones in the classroom.

  6. This is just what reformers dream about! They want mas retirement, firing, quitting to occur. Then fill'er up with TFA, continue the de-professionalization of education, continue to reduce the union impact, impose legislation like RECEIVERSHIP, and there you have it. It is happening. Now.

  7. These so called reformies are destroying our country's public education system, a system that built this country. Detroit is going to have a system where by all the teachers are fly by the way and I will see ya later...meaning most will teach a year or two before realizing that the job is a suckers job trying to teach kids that come from dysfunctional families, illegal immigrants, immigrants who refuse to speak or learn english, middle eastern immigrants who walk around with medieval costumes and have no personalities, do not speak with others and just plain seem like a fish out of water. For a meager 35k a person with a masters degree can earn so much more and put up with a lot less shit, no pun attended my immigrant friends.

  8. If you look at the demographics of our cities across America one can clearly see that hispanics and blacks are now the majority of students in our public schools. With that said, the american poster child has changed and the future of the United States is looking at a country that will now be represented by a minority??? The long time poster child for the US the clean cut american boy or girl with blonde hair, blue eyes and light complexion is now different and the politicians are trying to capitalize on the change in demographics in the US. Needless to say no wonder why most Americans think the country is in the toilet.

  9. I am not sure which place is worse. Chicago and the city of Chicago is a cess pool of guns and shootings with innocent people getting shot all over the place. A mayor Rahm who is poison to the city and probably will be resigning or getting fired soon. Detroit on the other hand is a cess pool of dilapidated old GM factories, gunk and grease make up this dark city with street lights on the off power mode while crime riddles through the city. These two cities highlight the new America which is now filled with dirt from all around the world. People who have come to america because as we all know everything is free in america. However, the gravy train is coming to a halt with a government managing to have a budget that is 20 trillion in debt.
