Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Cuomo's Common Core/APPR Dog And Pony Show

I read through Keshia Clukey's Politico NY post on the Common Core task force recommendations that are set to be issued to Governor Cuomo this week and the sense I was left with is, they're going to tweak the standards just enough to claim they're not Common Core anymore, they're going to look to change the name to something else (something like "New York State Standards," though I'm partial to "Cuomo Core" myself) and they're going to declare "Mission Accomplished!"

In short, it looks like we're in for another Cuomo dog and pony show special, not that this comes as a surprise.

Many of us thought this CCSS review was nothing more than Cuomo and the powers-that-be in Albany trying to stage manage the politics and optics around the Common Core and the Opt Out protests.

We knew they want to change as little as possible other than the perceptions around the policies.

NYSED Commissioner MaryEllen Elia indicated that when she said she wanted to "repaint" the Common Core so that parents would like it better.

Dunno how stupid they think people are, but I would be very, very surprised if the parents and teachers who are part of the Common Core and Opt Out protests fall for this charade they've got coming.

APPR will get a tweak too - they'll probably shove through some temporary "moratorium" to "de-couple" test scores from teacher ratings for a set period of time, which means test scores will eventually be placed back into the APPR formula.

Again, I would be very, very surprised if many people are fooled that a moratorium is substantive change, as by definition, a "moratorium" is nothing more than a "delay."

As far as I can tell, Elia's paint job on the Common Core is a bit of scenery for Cuomo's Common Core/APPR Dog and Pony Show that's set to open to previews this month and get a starring role in Cuomo's State of the State/budget address in January.



  1. Push for 500K opt outs. They are starting to hear us but this remains a pig with lipstick.

  2. PERDIDO, this is a great site but please lets limit the cuomo bull shit. There are so many important issues in education today and writing about cuomo every day is becoming a turn off...Lets get some real topics on education going like the friedrichs case for example.

    1. Always great to be critiqued by Anonymous. If you're averse to reading about the most powerful enemy of public Ed in NY state I suggest you post something more your speed on your own blog. You do have one right?

    2. how bout the case of friedrichs vs california...if friedrichs wins the case it won't matter one bit what the hell cuomo thinks because it will mark the end of the uft and cuomo knows this that is why he has been quiet of late.....perdido please do not get gangster on me i did say the site was a great one....but the reality is cuomo won't matter if we lose that case, or not?

    3. I respectfully disagree.

    4. I've written for Perdido. I know Perdido. Perdido is a friend of mine. Anonymous, you are no Perdido.

      But, seriously, a guy named "Sean Crowley" wrote the comment that you think is gangster. When Perdido responds to his readers online he signs himself as "RBE." I can assure you that "RBE" is not gangster. "RBE" is a son-of-a-bitch. And a very good son-of-a-bitch.

      And though Perdido/RBE spends 95% of his time writing about education I do think that it's very important for all of us to understand that the fight against teachers and public education if part of a much broader and corrupt process that endangers many other values and causes we care deeply about.

  3. Cuomo is the issue. A total enemy of public school teachers and public school education, including parents and students. A cheerleader for the charters and their backers. Keep up the good work RBe.

  4. The teaching profession is a pile of crap in NYS and Cuomo is the one one who squeezed it out. Perdido is 100% right on the money for all of his Cuomo coverage. If you teach in NYS you need to understand what we are up against.

  5. I want to thank Randi, Mike and of course Eva for my immense popularity. Its up to me to save NYS children from teachers, public schools, and from their ill informed parents. Perdido your blog is very entertaining, but I'm a very nice guy. I'd like to make you a small proposition ...

  6. RBE, ignore the anon behind the curtain. Keep it coming with info on the Machiavellian who wants to continue with his "break the monopoly" agenda. You're informing the readers exactly what needs to be read regarding the present-day Albany dysfunction of Cuomo and the Heavy Hearts Hypocrites. Thank you for your brilliant post and great understanding of the convoluted politics that exist in NYS.

  7. Second the above. You go where the news is and we are grateful for your energy and insights. Keep it coming!

  8. The comments here reflect to me that no one is concerned about the friedrichs case. The bloggers here have gone against a anon blogger who is looking for more answers regarding the case and the future of the UFT. So again, if the case goes against us how does cuomo fit into the picture then? If his intent is to break the UFT then friedrichs is going to do it for him so why is everybody ranking on the anon blogger?

    1. Because, if he wants to find a site that caters more to what he wants to read about, then he should go there. Don't come here to complain about a blogger's topics. RBE puts out everyday. I'm sure it is exhaustive, along with his regular school work load.

      Quit whining. Start your own site and write about what you want.

    2. You refer to people making comments here as "bloggers." They are not bloggers. They are commenters. RBE is the "blogger" and the blog is RBE's production. I can verify that writing a blog takes a lot of time and a lot of reading everything you can find on every topic. Anyone who would rather read something other than what's here should really STFU and write their own blog. Try it for a week and tell us how it goes.

    3. hey crowley what are you the attorney for this site?? get a real job "blogging" and let others comment what they want especially when its not your site so stop playing sensor man..this convo is over chap


  10. Thank you, RBE...for keeping us all aware with your postings...we opted out the previous two years...and expect the numbers to reach 500,000 this year.

    Long Island will reach new heights, and it's important to reach the students and their parents here in New York City. Carmen Farina hasn't carried out her responsibilities in informing New York City parents of their right to opt out, so let's do it for her.

    Cuomo is a bought and paid for cancer on the people of New can he protect the children when he sells out to the highest coming in from the highest bidder, but nothing for the people...heck, a deadbeat dad who pushes he policy on others while screwing over his own daughters...

    As parents and educators, we stand with you, RBE...not the "anonymous" who questions your blog...

    And thank you, RBE, for standing vigil over the children...All Children...of New York.

    We will get to the finish line...and it's an honor and privilege to read your posts!

    Keep 'em coming...the opt out movement is set to take off!

  11. I'm still not sure if I find it extremely entertaining or annoying that our union leaders, especially the UFT Unity machine, are in overdrive now that a decision in the Friedrichs' case is on the horizon.

    Perhaps if UFT Unity would have worried more about listening to members regarding: Common Core; opting out; union democracy; protecting public education against Cuomo and the "heavy-hearted" NY Democratic Assembly Members; opposing APPR; providing retroactive payments for those on leave; revising elections and ballots so that active members rather than retirees elect our leaders; not alienating the NYPD, their family members, and supporters with the way the Al Sharpton march was handled; offering union positions to the best people rather than only to people who promise to toe the unity line; not spending our dues to send 750 people to AFT convention junkets with the sole purpose of having them represent leaders rather than members; aligning themselves with Bill Gates; never apologizing for any of the bad decisions they've made that have harmed our profession; etc. etc. etc... instead of focusing so much energy on keeping themselves in power, at all costs, they wouldn't have quite so much to worry about now.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm hoping for a favorable decision in the Friedrichs case but if UFT hadn't alienated so many members they'd have a LOT LESS to be concerned about now and they wouldn't have to post anonymous comments on "mythological" blogs to try to convince members to worry with them.

    I think your blog and your focus on Cuomo and NY Politics is awesome, RBE. Other than, perhaps requiring commenters to use their real names, I don't think you should change a single thing.

    Mary Ahern

  12. Today, I had a student try to convince me that common core and the tests were a corporate scam. I said I didn't disagree with her, but, I didn't think it was appropriate for me to really voice my opinions in the classroom. She said, "but, if teachers don't speak up, then how will things ever change?"

    Jesus Christ. I'm supposed to defend this crap? I mean this kid sees right through this. Now I feel guilty.

    1. Be honest with the kid. I NEVER defend Common Core or any of the other ed reform b.s. If you're not straight with them how are they supposed to learn anything from you?

  13. In response to 9:31 AM Anonymous:

    I post what interests me. If other people happen to be interested in it and come by and read it, great. If not, that's great too.

    There are plenty of other great blogs out there for the kind of education posts you're looking for.

    You're always welcome here, of course, but I understand if what interests me doesn't interest you.

    1. Thanks for the reply. I will only say that we should ALL be interested in the same things if we all are educators, no? Bottom line is that my questioning your blog was in good faith as I did preface the comment saying that I thought your site was great. Its all good lets all work together for the best we can get out of a world in such corruptness and disorganization.
