Friday, December 18, 2009

Mr Kotter

Minyanville says if Mr. Kotter from 70's sitcom Welcome Back Kotter were alive and teaching in New York today, he'd be at a charter school.

Of course, Minyanville is run by a bunch of hedge fund managers, so of course they think he'd be teaching at charter school if he were, you know, a real person and not a sitcom character from the 70's.

But what the hedge funders at Minyanville fail to realize is that the burn rate at charter schools is so high that even if Mr. Kotter were stupid enough to have quit his DOE teaching position to go work for Mistress Eva's charter network, he'd be so burnt out from the 65 hour/6 day work weeks that he would have long ago retired.

I guess then they'd be bitching about his generous retirement benefits and pension and wondering why he wasn't working himself right to the grave.


  1. I think that's exactly what they'd be doing. In fact, I think that's exactly what they are doing, and have been doing for some time now.

  2. I hear charter teachers must give students their cell phone numbers AND allow students to visit the teacher at home using the fire escape window as access, if need be. Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back.

  3. Does Mrs. Kotter have to be available to help with their homework too? She was always around the kitchen when the Sweathogs were over...
